Nagra 300i and 300p
The integrated Nagra 300i and 300p power amplifier are not only a homage to one of the most mythical components in audio history, but is also Nagras’ way of underlining its attachment to his timeless creation on the occasion of its 60th anniversary year.
Nagra Archives 21/30 – Nagra 300i and 300p!
With a bandwidth ranging from 14 Hz to 56 kHz and a signal-to-noise ratio exceeding 105 dB, the Nagra 300i and 300p have nothing to envy from the best transistor electronics available today. However figures are just one aspect: it is while listening that these units reveal the rest.
The integrated Nagra 300i and 300p power amplifier are not only a homage to one of the most mythical components in audio history, but is also Nagras’ way of underlining its attachment to his timeless creation on the occasion of its 60th anniversary year. Like the “King of tubes”, Nagra equipment benefits from a range of time defying quali ...
瑞士 南瓜 Nagra 300i 合并胆功放300B电子管之王 - 搜狐
2024年5月26日 · 南瓜Nagra 的 300i 每通道采用一对斯洛伐克 JJ Electronic 300B,采用推挽式配置,每侧产生20W的实用功率。 与具有点对点接线和零反馈等功能的全电子管单端(低功耗)设计截然不同,300i在其驱动级、电路监控和诊断以及微处理器控制的输入选择和体积/平衡电路中 ...
Nagra 300i (£15,950) | Hi-Fi News
2011年12月16日 · Nagra’s fine build quality does not come cheaply. But as well as being beautiful to behold, the fabulously clear and open sound of the company’s new 300i integrated amplifier fully vindicates the careful design work and superior manufacturing techniques employed to craft it.
NAGRA 300I 和 300P电子管放大器 - 阿强家庭影院网
2021年10月28日 · 300i 集成模型旨在通过将预制器和立体声功率放大器合并到同一底盘中,实现最佳紧凑性。 可远程控制,配备 4 个 输入,并在前脸分组所有不同的音频控件。
瑞士南瓜 Nagra 300i 电子管功放机!延续300B的神话;9.9成色新
以MOSFET作为驱动級,功率级采用两只300B作A类推挽式配置,输出功率20瓦RMS每通道.可以轻松驱动目前市场主流的高或中等输出扬声器并有助于降低寄生电源噪声.NAGRA特制的输出变压器具有超宽频响带宽和表现出色低频失真处理的能力.围绕灯丝加热频率,电源噪声放大的特别设计,最严格的元件的选择和尺寸,特制14组二次绕组的电源变压器,致力于为直热300B管提供非常纯净的电源.6层军规镀金印刷电路,“星型”接地配置,全面细分的精密监测电路,精心挑选的300B管,严密的 …
Nagra 300i - Seattle Hi-Fi
With a bandwidth ranging from 14 Hz to 56 kHz and a signal-to-noise ratio exceeding 105 dB, the Nagra 300i has nothing to envy from the best transistor electronics available today. The transparency and the neutrality are the first imposing qualities.
Nagra 300i inside+南瓜厂实录 - HiFi乐趣 - 发烧论坛 非常发烧网
2003年1月24日 · 如此美轮美奂 的“美女”一些发烧友见了不用听其叫声,也会认为其一定能发出天籁之音。 瑞士Nagra ,值得崇拜的音响品牌! 瑞士的好东西真多,口水一地. 对这个录音机很感兴趣哦,3000刀也不是很贵啊,想买可是买不到。
Nagra 300i tube integrated amplifier - Criterion Audio …
Nagra 300i valve stereo integrated amplifier available from Criterion Audio Cambridge, leading Nagra audio specialists. Part exchange welcome, easy access, 3 demonstration rooms.