Nagra BPS - Nagra
The Nagra BPS benefits from successive developments of the previous Nagra preamplifiers, the PL-P and more recently the VPS – both tube based units. The Nagra BPS uses the same principle circuit design, but with transistor technology giving extremely low power consumption, allowing a miniaturization and rationalization of the device.
Nagra BPS phono preamplifier - Stereophile.com
2009年9月24日 · This tiny, lightweight, battery-powered jewel is loosely based on Nagra's VPS phono stage that I reviewed in October 2008 but uses bipolar transistors instead of tubes. The bottom of the company's familiar brushed-aluminum case has a …
瑞士NAGRA BPS唱放全攻略,教你玩转BPS唱放! - 6HIFI
2018年1月29日 · bps唱放是nagra的晶体管加电池唱放。 在精巧的机器内部,搭建了左右全对称的放大结构,叹为观止! 晶体管,让失真达到最小化。
6moons audio reviews: Nagra BPS
Nagra's BPS is their tiny solid-state battery-powered phono stage - with two twists. The first is that when I say battery, I mean a single disposable 9V battery. Without charger or wall connection, the BPS sits on a shelf completely isolated from the rest …
6moons audio reviews: Nagra BPS
The BPS delivers a very large helping of tube impressions without their limitations of higher noise and distortion. As can be expected from Nagra, tonal intensity is simply exceptional and here fully supported by transparency which beautifully reveals texture and micro detail.
Nagra bps唱放咋样? - 音 响 论 坛 -耳机俱乐部论坛
2018年4月21日 · 这个接口好像是可以外接电源,无论是开关电源还是另外购置线性电源;国内的Nagra bps卖家有的还专门提供了Keces 9V线电作为配套出售。 但看国外评测文里的说法,这个供电不是用来工作时用的?
Nagra BPS Bipolar Transistor Phono Stage, MM/MC, Mint and …
The Nagra BPS benefits from successive developments of the previous Nagra preamplifiers, the PL-P and more recently the VPS – both tube based units. The Nagra BPS uses the same principle circuit design, but with transistor technology giving extremely low power consumption, allowing a miniaturization and rationalization of the device.
秒杀一切民用高端:瑞士 南瓜 Nagra BPS MM/MC唱头放大器
2018年1月24日 · 那称之为bps又有什么意义呢? 原来是为了与VPS作区别,BPS代表的是Bipolar Phono Stage,因为VPS代表的是Vacuum tube Phono Stage。 打开机板盖可以看到电池,箱体上面还印上内部的电路结构图,营造出一股有如机械表的精緻感,真不愧是一流的瑞士精品!
瑞士 NAGRA 南瓜 BPS 电池供电 唱头放大器_音源系列_振源音响, …
瑞士NAGRA的首台HI-END产品---PL-P当年一鸣惊人,当中的唱头放大评价之高更是脍灸人口.最新推出的BPS吸取PL-P的电池供电对细微信号的先天优势, 采用9V电池供电 (也可外购变压电源),提供静深如海的背景.最短信号路径设计和严格的军工元件及精制技术,力求细微再现原音.值得一提的是NAGRA专门独家绕制的升压牛 (提供美国NASA的火星探测仪上的马达就是NAGRA),品质之高非他人所能及.如此物超所值的上乘之品,阁下岂容错过! 频宽: 20Hz (+1dB) -- 30kHz (0dB) RIAA …
瑞士 Nagra/南瓜 BPS唱放 电池供电唱头放大器 - Gzhifi.com
瑞士 Nagra/南瓜 BPS唱放 电池供电唱头放大器. 技术参数: 频宽: 20Hz(+1dB) -- 30kHz(0dB) RIAA conform 谐波失真: < 0.15% (高电平状态) RIAA增益:53dB 总增益:64dB;可用跳线选为49dB 模拟输出电平:2V 模拟输出: 1组RCA不平衡 "绝对不能小窥的小型唱头放大"NAGRA BPS. 模拟输入::一 …