Nagra CD Players - Nagra
Nagra offers the most transparent CD players on the market today, they are available in three different models, CDC, CDP and CDT. The CDT Transport, the CDP Player which includes the D/A conversion and the CDC including the D/A conversion as well as preamplifier features, allowing our customers to select the ideal device for his environment.
Nagra CD 播放器 - Nagra
Nagra 现提供行业最清晰的 CD 播放器,包含 CDC、 CDP 和 CDT 三个版本。 CDT 传输、含有数模转换的 CDP 播放器和含有数模转换以及前级功能的 CDC,客户 可以根据自己的环境选择理想的设备。
Nagra CDP CD player | Stereophile.com
2007年5月13日 · The CDP is a compact (12.2" W by 3" H by 10" D), front-loading player with an outboard power supply that feeds it 12V DC. The brushed-aluminum chassis is almost plain; the main focus is on the front and rear panels.
“瑞士制造”的精髓——南瓜 Nagra CDP 播放器 - 搜狐
2022年5月6日 · Nagra CDP 是一个完全现代化的数字资源。 它绝不会通过增加数字播放的真实性来对模拟做出让步,同时它改进了数字播放的一些传统优势。 最重要的是,CDP 照亮了录音中的一切——包括器乐、台词和人声,以及它们存在的空间。
Nagra CD 播放器 - Nagra
Nagra 提供現今市面上最清晰的 CD 播放器,包含 CDC、 CDP 和 CDT 三種不同的型號。 CDT Transport、附數位類比轉換功能的 CDP 播放器以及附數位類比轉換功能和前級放大器功能的 CDC 使 客戶能夠選擇最適合自己的聆聽環境的裝置。
SoundStage! Equipment Review - Nagra CDP CD Player (11/2007)
When you look closely at the Nagra CDP ($13,495 USD), you see the outward signs of that Swiss craftsmanship: precision fit, luxury finish, and extreme attention to all details. The CDP is Nagra's first CD player, but not the company's only product for playing CDs.
Nagra Audio Cdp (£8500) | Hi-Fi News
2009年1月5日 · It only took the glorious, open, smooth and enveloping sound of Mofi’s new gold CD of Marc Cohn’s eponymous debut to demonstrate the CDP’s worthiness as part of the Nagra family. In direct contrast to Chord’s impressive but aloof Red Reference, the CDP was as lush and natural as my beloved Marantz CD-12/DA-12.
Nagra CDP CD player Specifications | Stereophile.com
Description: Single-box, fixed-output CD player with outboard 12V DC power supply and remote control. Formats played: CD, CD-R, CD-RW. D/A conversion: 24 bits. Oversampling: 8x (352.8kHz). Analog outputs: 1 pair RCA, 1 pair balanced XLR. Digital outputs: coaxial S/PDIF, AES/EBU, TosLink S/PDIF.
瑞士 NAGRA/南瓜 CDP CD播放机 CD机播放器 - gzhifi.com
cdp的水平提供了一个固定的音频输出和理想上应该是连接到系统使用的前置放大器(纳格拉的pl - l的或pl - p)功能。它用于连接外部dac对称和非对称模拟输出,以及一个数字输出,如果需要。 提供了一个革命性的cdp与前播放模块加载设计安装在牢固的cd抽屉。
Nagra CDP CD player Page 2 - Stereophile.com
When it comes to construction and performance, the Nagra CDP is one of the best CD players I've ever heard or caressed. If you're even the slightest bit prone to pure gizmoid lust, you'll be a goner the minute you get your hands on one.