Nagra I - Nagra
Before Nagra, sound recorders were the size of a washing machine and needed a lot of power and heavy maintenance. Stefan Kudelski’s recorder, simply called Nagra I, was a revolution of which it is hard to imagine the magnitude today.
Nagra - Wikipedia
Nagra is a brand of portable audio recorders produced from 1951 in Switzerland. Beginning in 1997 a range of high-end equipment aimed at the audiophile community was introduced, and Nagra expanded the company's product lines into new markets.
More than 70 years of innovation - Nagra
Founded in the pursuit of excellence in sound recording and sound reproduction, Nagra has a rich history of producing some of the world’s best analog recording and playback devices. Nagra now added to this remarkable legacy of products with the …
NAGRA - 源自 1951 年的瑞士专业音频和高端 Hifi
NAGRA 产品的设计和制造商皆为坐落于日内瓦湖区的 Audio Technology Switzerland 公司。 我们主要涵盖三类产品类别:高端 Hi-Fi 设备、专业录音机以及用于安全和执法目的的设备。
NAGRA - A Legacy in HiFi - YouTube
2023年8月30日 · In 1951, the young and visionary engineer Stefan Kudelski unveiled the Nagra I, kickstarting a sonic revolution. Meaning "will record" in Polish, Nagra quickly became synonymous with precision,...
瑞士 · Nagra | 历年产品中的代表之作 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
史上第一台便携式录音机 Nagra I 问世。 Nagra 70年创新不断 1951 年,年仅 22 岁的天才工程师 Stefan Kudelski 开发出一款独立的微型录音机。 这款录音机品质卓越,Stefan Kudelski 给了它一个简约的名字:“Nagra I”。 Nagra 是波兰语,意为“即将录制”…
【器材测评】又一件超弩级神器降临——瑞士NAGRA HD Phono电 …
2024年4月9日 · NAGRA I采用电子管放大和电池供电, 却能装入手提包中, 1952年登山探险家带NAGRA I登上世界第一高峰,深海探险家则在潜水仓内安装NAGRA I,两项世界之最的记录:在全球最高峰和最深海底都可以使用,从此NAGRA声名远播。 之后NAGRA II和NAGRA III录音机相继问世,在广播、电影和音乐界引发震动,直到现在,加拿大2xHD唱片仍以全套NAGRA产品 (Nagra IV-S或NagraT录音机)来对优异录音进行重制,掌声依然。 巨大的圆柱形支架在双层金属避振 …
干货 | 南瓜NAGRA几款前级的比较和评析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
NAGRA第一款产品就是 PL-P 前级,其后又陆续出了PL-L, JAZZ,到现在的 Classic PRE ,今天就来详细的评析一下这几款经典产品的进化之路。 《当年的经典》 现今仍然被不少烧友视为神物。 PL-P. 首先PLP前级,作为南瓜的第一款HIFI产品,从1997年到2009年停产,在2000年代初期,PL-P和 mark levinson No.32L 两大名器被发烧友奉为参考前级。 很多人不清楚,这台前级就是为听LP来设计的! 所以名字才叫”play LP “,LP过来的信号先用升压牛升压再左边两只管放 …
Nagra - Alma Music and Audio
In 1951, Stefan Kudelski, a gifted 22-year-old engineer, developed an extremely high quality, miniature, self-contained audio recorder, which he named simply the “Nagra I”. Nagra is a Polish word meaning “will record”. The interest in his invention was immediate.
NAGRA - Swiss Pro Audio and High End Hifi since 1951
Our products cover three principal sectors: high-end Hi-Fi equipment, professional audio recorders and devices designed for security and law enforcement. Explore our universe. A dream range of outstanding products that redefine sound reproduction for the home. Superlative, design, build quality and listening pleasure.
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