Nagra II - Nagra
Following the breakthrough introduction of the Nagra I the previous year, the Nagra II is an elaborate version of its predecessor. For the first time in Nagra history it features a level indicator with a needle that is the ancestor of the iconic « modulo meter », …
NAGRA 經典系列 | 電源和唱機前置放大器、放大器、DAC、...
The CLASSIC DAC II is the new D/A converter unit for the CLASSIC range of Nagra products which includes the CLASSIC PHONO, CLASSIC PREAMP, CLASSIC AMP and CLASSIC INT. Nagra TUBE DAC 是一款高品質 D/A 轉換器,能夠以無可比擬的自然再現方式重現 DSD 256 和 384 kHz PCM 信號。 NAGRA CLASSIC PSU 是適用於 Nagra Classic 系列產品的最新電源。 這是團隊在設計享譽全球的 HD PREAMP 過程中的研發結果。
Nagra - Wikipedia
NAGRA II – The first production model, miniature tubes equipped, clockwork motor, which appeared in 1953. [8] . In 1953, in a new facility, Nagra began the production of the Nagra II, a Nagra I with the option to have an external modulometer (a type of VU meter) in the sidewall.
[測試報告] Nagra Classic DAC II:瑞士音響藝術 - Hiendy.com
2024年8月28日 · Nagra CLASSIC DAC II同Nagra HD DAC相同的自家解碼晶片,採用DSD 2x版本格式,運行水平是CD的128倍,是SACD的兩倍。 其採樣率最高可達5.6 MHz。 支援24/192kHz,以及DSD256
Nagra Classic DAC II, PSU Power Supply, And VFS Support Review …
The Nagra Classic DAC II uses the same NADM (Nagra Audio Digital Module) digital engine in their pricier HD DAC X and Tube DAC. The Nagra Classic DAC II can decode all current high-resolution formats, including very high-resolution formats such as DSD 4x (256) and DXD.
页面重载开启 - 耳机俱乐部
2023年11月10日 · Nagra CLASSIC DAC II采用了全球先进的数字输入板和转换模块,与Nagra HD DAC相同,采用DSD 2x版本格式,运行水平是传统CD的128倍,是SACD的两倍。 其采样率最高可达5.6 MHz,内部计算采用72位准确度。
新品 | Nagra Classic DAC II 解码器 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年8月8日 · nagra 最新推出的classic dac ii解码器拥有与在世界上广受赞誉的旗舰hd dac x和tube dac相同的nadm(nagra音频数字模块)数字引擎,不仅支持当前的高分辨率格式音乐文件,如dsd 4x(256)和dxd。
More than 70 years of innovation - Nagra
The Nagra II and III followed in the mid to late ‘50s revolutionizing the world of radio broadcasting, cinema and music. In recognition of his contribution to culture and science, the Nagra Company received numerous awards including Oscars® in 1978 and 1991.
Nagra Classic II DAC - Alma Music and Audio
The Nagra CLASSIC DAC II, features the same NADM (Nagra Audio Digital Module) digital engine employed in both our world acclaimed HD DAC X and TUBE DAC, and accommodates all current high resolution formats such as DSD 4x (256) and DXD. It will play high resolution with ease but particular development focus on red-book format, 44.1kHz 16 bit ...
瑞士 南瓜 Nagra HD DAC解码器 全新登场 - 6HIFI
2018年1月2日 · Nagra的声音特色就是如此,它是机箱结构、选用组件、人耳聆听调整加上仪器测试综合而成的,别家学不来。 宽松人人爱 至于Nagra器材的宽松,可以让比较刚性的音箱变得好听;也可以让软调的音箱提升内部解析力,更重要的是让再生的音乐更接近自然的原音 ...