Nagra MSA - Nagra
The Nagra MSA stereo amplifier, offers a power output of 60 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms. A value that shows its true dimension under real operating situations, because the manner in which the power is delivered is the most important.
6moons audio reviews: Nagra MSA
As hinted at by the generous heat sink mounted on the top of the unit—a beautifully machined single block of aluminium —the Nagra MSA amplifier achieves amazingly robust performances. A traditional endeavour at Nagra, the MSA relies on original solutions such as the specifically designed PFC-driven power supply and power output stages.
6moons audio reviews: Nagra MSA
The MSA in stereo mode outputs 60wpc into 8 Ω, hence the overbuilt heat sink doesn't get too warm. Each channel runs a single pair of Mosfets which, Nagra’s leaflet states, avoids issues of more massive paralleling.
[分享] 後悔....沒有要求直接送貨-Nagra MSA - Hiendy.com
2014年4月11日 · NAGRA多是膽機, 師兄為何會選擇石機呢? 可否分享? 小弟家居地方限制,MSA的size比較合適,另MSA有着單端膽機的細膩(和家裡的6L6 SET比較)及石機的控制力,所以才選它。
Nagra MSA Amplifier - TONEAudio MAGAZINE
Unlike the pyramid-shaped PSA amplifier, rated at 100 watts per channel and outfitted with an LED display to indicate power and clipping, the MSA adds the familiar Nagra modulometer power indicator along with a red LED to indicate clipping.
6moons audio reviews: Nagra MSA
Description: Nagra’s MSA is a stereo amplifier that can be switched to mono. It ingeniously marries Swiss precision with small dimensions. The aluminum case is crowned with a massive heat sink and the front is adorned with the famous Nagra modulometer and power-on selector.
评Nagra MSA后级功放 小而精的极致魅力 - whaudio.com
2012年6月12日 · MSA后级功放是Nagra在2010年推出的新产品,体积保持着一如既往的小巧,外形却有着丝丝若隐若现的霸气。 这台体积精致的放大器,外观造型有如精密仪器,瑞士人做手表的精湛技艺又在这里显现出来。
瑞士 Nagra/南瓜 Melody 晶体管前级 MSA立体声后级 - Gzhifi.com
Nagra早前推出一款全新功率放大器「MSA」,提供60 W x2的输出,同时也可以桥接之后输出单声道120瓦。 MSA的散热器相当特别,重3公斤的散热器成品,是以整块10公斤的铝块,在精密机床用3小时车出来的,同时散热器底部更被挖空,功率晶体管就直接安装在里面 ...
a pair of Nagra MSA used in bridged mode delivers 120 watts per channel. The Nagra MSA stereo amplifier, offers a power output of 60 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms. A value that shows its true dimension under real operating situations, because the manner in which the power is delivered is the most important.
NAGRA MSA - audioantiquary.com
and the very rare MSA amplifier proposed here. It is a jewel of the Swiss manufacturer completely balanced, with adjustable sensitivity and, if desired, an auto-ignition sensor. 60 + 60 watts in an unmistakably Nagra chassis but equipped with a huge heat sink …