Nagra VPA
With the VPA, implementing a zero negative feedback design renders matching difficult speakers much easier. In addition, the VPA offers 4, 8 and 16 Ω outputs so it can accommodate even the most demanding loudspeakers.
Used Nagra VPA Monoblock power amplifiers for Sale - Hifi Shark
2025年3月4日 · Used Nagra VPA Monoblock power amplifiers for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability
Nagra VPA monoblock power amplifier | Stereophile.com
1999年4月8日 · Nagra's VPA amplification system consists of two slim, handsome monoblock amplifiers intended for vertical placement. They look good adjacent to the speakers. However, two 845 tubes put out a lot of heat, so the amplifier should be at least a foot away from your speakers...unless you're looking for a nice crackle finish.
瑞士 南瓜NAGRA VPA——我梦寐以求的胆机后级 - 6HIFI
2016年11月3日 · 对Nagra的忠实用家而言,VPA的出现,令面世一年多的PL-P前级毋须再等待它的另一半。 而这款像珠窦般细致高贵的全真空管式前级,没有人想到是产自一间从来没有踫过真空管、没有「音响发烧友」的顾客及只在专业界口碑栽道的公司。
Nagra VPA - Seattle Hi-Fi
Nagra VPA. The VPA is a pair of mono block vacuum tube power amplifiers. Equipped with symmetrical and asymmetrical inputs, they offer a power output of 50 Watts through a pure class A output stage with no feedback. Using a pair of matched and individually selected 845 output tubes the VPA offers a clarity of sound second-to-none.
Nagra VPA Amplifier Reviewed - HomeTheaterReview
2009年1月11日 · It turns out the Swiss know how to make a new form factor tube amp just as alluring as their timepieces. Nagra, known in the world of high definition recording as a standard, is a now a player in...
瑞士极品 南瓜/NAGRA VPA845单声道电子管纯甲类后级 - 搜狐
2022年5月11日 · 2014年推出vpa 845mk2真空管后级,其温暖的声底中显现出大量的细节,vpa的表现既有控制力,亦具权威性。 推挽式工作的845. vpa表面看来简单,其实内裡设计绝对不简单。先从真空管说起。
[分享] 「歷史印記篇」 Nagra VPA 845 MkII 還是祇是鴛鴦才是 …
2013年11月24日 · Nagra 現有最新款VPA 845 MkII + 原來至愛 Nagra PL-P........ 瑞士嘅Nagra前級,最終都是與自家VPA 845後級才是天仙配! 真係晚晚就算公司回家很攰、都有舖心癮爬出來聽音樂! 恭喜 ching.. 請問跟360比較有咩提升? 好耐無見, 依家用緊咩喇叭? 絶對是一套完美的組合,用甚麼喇叭配合? Is HK$150,000 enough to buy a new VPA 845 MkII ? 絶對是一套完美的組合,用甚麼喇叭配合? 請問跟360比較有咩提升? 由於 一套西裝關係,匹配上有很大的佔優! …
Nagra VPA 845 tube monoblock amplifiers For Sale - Audiogon
2024年2月20日 · With the VPA, implementing a zero negative feedback design renders matching difficult speakers much easier. In addition, the VPA offers 4, 8 and 16 Ω outputs so it can accommodate even the most demanding loudspeakers.
Nagra VPA Tube Monoblock Power Amplifiers; Pair
Other Notes: "The VPA Uses a pair of matched and individually selected 845 output tubes the VPA offers a clarity of sound second-to-none, and has become a reference to audiophiles worldwide. Constructed in machined-aluminum towers, its highly sophisticated design is based on Nagra’s simple rule: only the best components, no compromises on ...