Nagra VPS phono preamplifier - Stereophile.com
2008年9月17日 · The elegant-looking VPS is relatively compact, with a single front-panel rotary control that resembles those originally found on Nagra's analog tape recorders. It turns the unit on, and lets you select Mute or a second, optional input.
Nagra VPS - Nagra
The VPS dual input valve phono preamplifier is based on the design principles of the world acclaimed PL-P phono stage. The listener benefits from the true sound of their vinyl record library using the outstanding performance of Nagra tube electronics.
Nagra VPS - Nagra
VPS 双输入胆机唱放前级基于世界著名的 PL-P 唱放前级设计理念制造。 Nagra 采用一流的电子管,能让听众享受到自己黑胶唱片收藏的真正音色。 该双输入唱机前级放大器采用了传统的 Nagra 紧凑型拉丝铝制机架,其尺寸与前置放大器和 CD 播放器尺寸相同,适合与 Nagra JAZZ 等线路前级放大器配合使用。 当使用唱机级音频信号时,可能会产生较大的伪寄生干扰,而 VPS 的金属机架可有效避免这种干扰。 VPS 采用镀金的内部电路,内部缠绕式输入变压器可确保在使用动 …
Nagra VPS - Nagra
vps 雙輸入真空管唱頭前級放大器以享譽全球的 pl-p 唱頭機設計原理為基礎。 黑膠唱片庫使用 Nagra 電子真空管的出色性能,帶來能讓聽眾讚不絕口的真實音色。
NAGRA VPS 唱頭放大器 - 兩聲道音響討論區 - Hiendy.com 影音俱 …
2013年11月21日 · 昨晚由Lehmann Audio Silver Cube轉用NAGRA VPS的一刻, 聲音頓時細聲了少許,較我用開的Silver Cube暗, 不夠生動,但多了一份暖意。 今晚會開蓋攪一攪Setting, 煲一段時間後再出report.
6moons audioreviews: Nagra VPS
The Nagra VPS comes standard with one MM/MC input but can be ordered with a second input for convenience (either MM only as in my loaner; or a second MM/MC). The circuit is single-ended throughout but Nagra provide balanced XLR outputs in addition to the RCA connectors to integrate more easily in a balanced system.
2016年第一炮!入手瑞士极品NAGRA VPS顶级HIEND唱放!120张 …
2015年12月31日 · vps唱放由1951年诞生的涉足军工产业,专业音频的瑞士nagra精心制作而成。 你将会对他无比满意。 开机后会预热90秒,蓝灯会不断闪烁,直到持续亮起 ...
The one upgrade that is worthwhile is the Nagra VFS (vibration free support) platform that is built to go underneath the VPS (or any Nagra preamp or CD player). Considering what some of those Telefunkens sell for these days, think of this $1,495 platform (and included spike kit that is available seperately for $349) as the cost of about four ...
瑞士 南瓜 Nagra VPS 分体电源MCMM唱放_黑胶唱放_黑胶唱盘_强 …
Nagra VPS是瑞士Audio Technology Switzerland S.A.公司推出的一款混合式唱机前置放大器,第一级的放大级选用了经过48小 时老化试验、寿命达5000小时以上的Electro-Harmonix 12AT7和12AX7电子管;第二放大级使用了晶体管分立元件。
Nagra VPS - Seattle Hi-Fi
Nagra VPS. The VPS dual input valve phono preamplifier is based on the design principles of the world acclaimed PL-P phono stage. The listener benefits from the true sound of their vinyl record library using the outstanding performance of Nagra tube electronics. Chassis design
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