What is the meaning of "Nah"? - Question about Indonesian
Nah = exclamation of approval. It is put at the first part of a sentence. Either negative (e.g. Nah, rasain lu) or positive (e.g. Nah, begitu dong).
인도네시아어 공부, 대화에서 많이 쓰이는 감탄사 표현 : 네이버 블로그
2006年10月11日 · 대화를 끝맺거나 어떤 결정이나 생각을 표현할 때 앞에 씁니다. Nah, cukup sampai sini. Nah, iyu sebabnya saya tidak suka ular. 그것이 바로 내가 뱀을 싫어하는 이유다. 표현을 귀엽거나 부드럽게 만듭니다. Sudah, dong! Kita makan siang sekarang. 됐어. 어? 우리 이제 점심을 먹자. Saya dong yang harus pergi. 가야 할 사람은 나겠네? 말을 강조하기 위해 씁니다. 자카르타 지역 방언입니다. Sudah deh, jangan berisik! 됐다! 구시렁거리지 마! Repot, deh! …
"Nah"是什么意思? -关于印尼语 - HiNative
2020年7月14日 · If you says "Nah" at the beginning of a sentence or just as it is. You gives the sense of agreement with someone. It usually used in casual conversation. ex : A : "Dia orangnya ternyata tidak ramah ya" You : "Nah Iya betul, aku juga berpikir seperti itu"
英语口语中,Nah 是什么意思啊?? 怎么读 - 百度知道
1、Alice Nah, however, has taken steps to protect trafficked people forced into labor in Malaysia. 但是, 艾丽斯 ·纳 (AliceNah)采取了一些举措,为贩运到 马来西亚 被迫当劳工的人提供保护。 2、George: Nah, it's just a snafu. Could happen to anyone. 乔治:不,它只是一个混乱。 可能发生在任何人身上。 3、I looked up and him and said, "Nah, I got about a minute left. 我看了看他,很有把握地说:“等到最后一分钟,我再做。
Iyu Nah - Facebook
Iyu Nah is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Iyu Nah and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more...
nah - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
4 天之前 · nah (strong nominative masculine singular naher, comparative näher, superlative am nächsten) Ich plane in naher Zukunft eine Reise nach Deutschland. I'm planning a trip to Germany in the near future. Ellen stand am Fenster und hörte durch Herbstwind und Regen vom nahen Bahnhof herüber die Züge pfeifen.
nah in English - Indonesian-English Dictionary | Glosbe
Translation of "nah" into English . okay, yes, hmm are the top translations of "nah" into English. Sample translated sentence: Nah, kalau itu tidak apa-apa dengan Anda, maka kita punya masalah. ↔ Now, if that's not okay with you, then we got a problem.
Bukit Jamur Ciwidey Spot Dan Harga Tiket Masuk - Kuy!
2020年9月17日 · Sahabat Kuy!! semua...untuk bisa menikmati eksotisme tempat yang hijau, berhawa sejuk dan sanat nyaman ditinggali ini, setiap pengunjung akan dikenkan biaya atau harga tiket masuk Rp.5.000/orang dan parkir motor Rp.2.000 , mobil Rp.5000.
Please show me example sentences with "The spoken particles like nah …
Please show me example sentences with The spoken particles like nah, deh, kok sih, tuh, nih mah etc . Tell me as many daily expressions as possible. "...Nah, setelah itu dia bilang begini..." "Kok kamu marah sih?" "Tuh kan sudah aku bilang kalau dia itu..." Hmm... (0) (KOK) “Kok kamu jahat sama aku sih?”
Nah Itu Dia Sports - YouTube
Selamat datang di Channel Nah Itu Dia Sports Channel ini membagikan informasi seputar jadwal pertandingan sepakbola, hasil pertandingan, klasemen, top skorer dan top assist serta top clean sheet.