Cell:RNA结构探测技术 - 生物通
2018年10月19日 · Chang教授及其同事首次开发了可以在活细胞中全面分析RNA二级结构的新技术,SHAPE(selective 2'-hydroxyl acylation and profiling experiment)。 SHAPE分析首先是 …
用于活细胞 RNA 结构分析的体内形状试剂 - MilliporeSigma
体内shape试剂用于rna结构的测定。该试剂含有高纯度形式的2-甲基烟酸咪唑化物(nai)。该化合物在rna的单链区域上形成2’-o-加合物,可以通过选择性2’-羟基酰化和引物延伸(shape)进 …
In Vivo SHAPE Reagent for Live Cell RNA Structure Analysis
In Vivo SHAPE Reagent is used for the determination of RNA structure. This reagent contains a highly pure form of 2-methylnicotinic acid imidazolide (NAI). This compound forms 2’-O …
RNA SHAPE analysis in living cells - Nature Chemical Biology
2012年11月25日 · Here we design, synthesize and demonstrate two new chemical probes that enable selective 2′-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE) in living cells. …
Transcriptome-wide interrogation of RNA secondary structure …
2016年1月14日 · In brief, the bifunctional NAI-N 3 SHAPE reagent is used to label all RNAs inside living cells (or in vitro refolded RNA) to generate covalent modifications on targeted RNAs at...
Mapping circular RNA structures in living cells by SHAPE-MaP
2021年12月1日 · NAI is used as the SHAPE reagent to probe circular RNA secondary structures in cells. Experimental and unique computational pipelines are required for circular RNA …
Guidelines for SHAPE Reagent Choice and Detection Strategy for …
Here, we introduce a SHAPE Selection (SHAPES) reagent, N-propanone isatoic anhydride (NPIA), which retains the ability of SHAPE reagents to accurately probe RNA structure, but …
NAI-N3 | RNA Acylation Reagent | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
NAI-N3 is a dual-function SHAPE (selective 2-hydroxyl acylation and profiling experiment) probe (RNA structure probe and enrichment). It contains an azide group and can undergo copper …
In-cell RNA structure probing with SHAPE-MaP - Nature Protocols
2018年5月3日 · We detail several strategies by which in-cell SHAPE-MaP can inform new biological hypotheses and emphasize downstream analyses that reveal sequence or structure …
Comparison of SHAPE reagents for mapping RNA structures …
Recent advances in SHAPE technology have converted the classic primer extension method to next-generation sequencing platforms, allowing transcriptome-level analysis of RNA …