The Arabidopsis transcription factor NAI1 activates the NAI2 …
NAI1 is a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) type transcription factor that regulates two downstream genes, NAI2 and BGLU23, that are responsible for the ER body formation and function. Here, we examined the transcription factor function of NAI1, and found that NAI1 binds to the promoter region of NAI2 and activates the NAI2 promoter.
The Arabidopsis transcription factor NAI1 activates the
2021年2月1日 · NAI1 is a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) type transcription factor that regulates two downstream genes, NAI2 and BGLU23, that are responsible for the ER body formation and function. Here, we examined the transcription factor function of NAI1, and found that NAI1 binds to the promoter region of NAI2 and activates the NAI2 promoter.
nai_ILL - nai_noob1.1 | NoobAI LoRA | Civitai
2025年3月5日 · nai_noob1.1以noobaiXLNAIXL_epsilonPred11Version为底训练,训练集添加了少量noob生成的图片。 一定程度修复了脸过亮,颜色略脏的问题,优化了白丝黑丝表现。 大大提升脚趾准确率! 由NAI3图片训练而来,ILL版本以光辉V0.1为底,NBAI以NOOBAI为底. 前者线条颜色对比度偏低,后者偏重。 pixiv:https://www.pixiv.net/users/3050520. There are no comments for this model yet. Be the first to let the people know about this model by leaving your comment.
The Arabidopsis transcription factor NAI1 is required for …
NAI1, a basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor, has been identified as being required for the expression of PYK10 and the formation of ER-bodies. 18 No visible phenotypes beside the ER-body defects have been detected in nai1 mutants under normal growth conditions. 19 As reported, PYK10 transcript levels were greatly reduced in the ...
Q8S3F1 - UniProt
2002年6月1日 · Transcription activator that regulates the expression of at least NAI2, PYK10 and PBP1. Required for and mediates the formation of endoplasmic reticulum bodies (ER bodies). Involved in the symbiotic interactions with the endophytes of the Sebacinaceae fungus family, such as Piriformospora indica and Sebacina. Showing features for chain.
Plant Cell | 多组学整合技术揭示了拟南芥受体激酶FERONIA的新功 …
FER还负向调控吲哚硫代葡萄糖苷的生物合成,部分是通过NAI1。 此外,科研人员发现一组 脱落酸 (ABA)诱导的转录因子在 fer-4 突变体中是低磷酸化的,并证明FER通过转录因子ABA INSENSITIVE5(ABI5)在子叶变绿期间负向调节ABA反应。 因此,科研人员的多组学整合研究揭示了FER的新功能,并对FER功能的潜在机制提供了新的见解。 图. FERONIA通过ABI5负向调控子叶变绿期间的ABA反应. 图. 已知和新发现的FERONIA的功能和基本机制. 更多精彩内容,点击 …
NAI1 - Oxford Academic
2004年6月1日 · NAI1 encodes a transcription factor that has a basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain. Transient expression of NAI1 induced ER bodies in the nai1-1 mutant. Two-dimensional electrophoresis and RT-PCR analyses showed that a putative lectin was depressed at both the mRNA and protein levels in nai1 mutants, as was a β-glucosidase (PYK10).
The Arabidopsis transcription factor NAI1 activates the
2020年12月14日 · NAI1 is a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) type transcription factor that regulates two downstream genes, NAI2 and BGLU23, that are responsible for the ER body formation and function. Here, we examined the transcription factor function of NAI1, and found that NAI1 binds to the promoter region of NAI2 and activates the NAI2 promoter.
CDD Conserved Protein Domain Family: bHLH_AtNAI1_like
2020年10月2日 · NAI1, also termed AtbHLH20, or EN 27, is a bHLH transcription activator that regulates the expression of at least NAI2, PYK10 and PBP1. It is required for and mediates the formation of endoplasmic reticulum bodies (ER bodies).
<br>拟南芥转录因子 NAI1 通过与 G-box 基序结合 ... - X-MOL
2020年12月14日 · NAI1 is a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) type transcription factor that regulates two downstream genes, NAI2 and BGLU23, that are responsible for the ER body formation and function. Here, we examined the transcription factor function of NAI1, and found that NAI1 binds to the promoter region of NAI2 and activates the NAI2 promoter.