ND 555 | Network Player - Naim Audio
The ND 555 is a state-of-the-art streaming device that merges Naim's digital and analogue engineering expertise. It features a powerful 40-bit SHARC processor, a suspended brass sub-chassis, and Naim's best external power supply. The device is designed to deliver an unparalleled listening experience for music enthusiasts.
ND 555 | 网络播放器 - Naim Audio
ND 555是一种合并Naim的数字和模拟工程专业知识的最先进的流媒体设备。 它具有功能强大的40位Sharc处理器,悬挂式铜管子宫座和NAIM的最佳外部电源。 该设备旨在为音乐爱好者提供无与伦比的聆听体验。
暖男魅力無法擋!-Naim ND 555網路串流播放器 - U-Audio 試聽 …
ND 555數位接收電路採用Naim最新開發的NP800串流電路板,訊號的輸入端採用了高速「低電壓差分訊號」Low-Voltage Differential Signaling,簡稱LVDS)技術,並以金屬製造的「法拉弟籠(Faraday Cage)」防護(圖片右上角印有Naim Logo的金屬罩),藉由金屬的靜電特性,防止 ...
Naim ND 555 Reference Network Player (OPEN) - Upscale Audio
Drawing on decades of digital and analogue engineering experience, the ND 555 marries its innovative new streaming platform with classic Naim analogue technology. It features a 40-bit SHARC processor with advanced signal processing, a suspended brass sub-chassis to isolate sound-critical circuits from vibrations and the best external power ...
评测丨终见顶峰!Naim ND 555旗舰串流播放器 - 搜狐
ND 555选用可接收32bit/384kHz及DSD128高位数码讯号的崭新NP800串流模块,其工作方式有别于Naim历代串流播放器。 每当进入串流模式时,包含在讯号内的时钟讯号将会被抽起,并交由跟解码芯片相连的主时钟产生线路进行锁定,此举能彻底杜绝时基失真。
Naim ND 555/555 PS DR review - What Hi-Fi?
2019年9月30日 · Naim’s ND 555/555 PS DR range-topping music streamer sets the sonic standard at its elevated price.
Naim ND 555 Network Streamer Review – HiFiReport
The Naim ND 555 network streamer and 555 PS power supply, paired with the Naim NAC S1 and NAP S1 flagship pre and power amplifiers, and Ovator S-800 flagship loudspeakers, delivered precisely the sonic character I anticipated: powerful yet gentle, rich yet refined, balanced, and delightfully comfortable.
25位專家耗時三年的旗艦力作-Naim ND555串流播放器 - U …
ND555是Naim新一代數位串流訊源的旗艦,甚至,它不只是串流播放器,豐富的數位輸入,也讓具有完整DAC功能的ND555,足以成為系統中的數位中心。 原廠更宣稱,ND555花了他們三年時間,結合了25位工程師的心力,集電子、工業、聲學...
Naim NDS/555 PS review - What Hi-Fi?
2012年12月17日 · Naim NDS/555 PS review from the experts at What Hi-Fi? - compare latest prices, see user reviews, and see NDS/555 PS specs and features.
Naim Audio ND 555/555PS DR Network-Attached DAC - Hi-Fi …
2019年6月11日 · The new flagship player network player from Naim ups the ante – not to mention the price – from the company's previous range. Is the performance elevated, too? The ND 555, sitting at the top of Naim's latest three-strong network player/streamer/call-it-what-you-will range at £12,999, isn't a direct replacement for the 'old' NDS.