Naim CDS II CD Players - Audio Review
The CDS-2 is a great player in all circumstances. I switched from a CDI to the CDS-2 and even when the CDS-2 was not warmed up it sounds better. It goes much more into live music than a …
- 评论数: 14
大家都在说NAIM家的CD机好听,到底好在哪里?(商家勿进)_≡ …
2014年6月5日 · 很多同学都在说naim cd5i是万多人民币的最佳选择,惭愧小弟还没有听过,只是对照片中手拉的碟仓印象颇深。 好象这里用家也不太多,感觉似乎有点人云亦云。
CDS2 pros and cons - Hi-Fi Corner - Naim Audio - Community
2022年10月1日 · Pros: -Magical Naim house sound -Built like a tank -Synergy with Naim amps and speakers Cons: -Mechs no longer available; head unit could become a doorstop …
The Naim Of The Game... Naim's CDSII CD Player by Bob Neil
Naim discovered this fact years ago and, while it's been attributed to all of their electronics, it is especially evident in their cdp's. A brief but useful discussion of this fascinating subject, "Pace, …
这些年我玩过的"奶妈"——Naim拆解搞作 - hifidiy
naim的cd音源总体大约是3个档次。 分别是旗舰CDS系列,有CDS1、CDS2、CDS3和后来的土豪旗舰CD555——不再延续CDS系列命名,估计NAIM认为CD555推出的时候,已经是他们能做 …
Naim CDX2, CDS2, CDS3 or other player
2019年5月28日 · However to answer your question, arguably Naim have never released a new item that didn’t sound better than the previous model. So the CDX2.2 for you. The CDS2 and …
HIFIDIY论坛-菜鸟请教下 茗 naim CD2 CD3 CD3.5 三款CD有什么不 …
2025年3月21日 · CD2或CD3都提供一组英国Chord制造的DIN转RCA头的讯号线,方便其它非Naim扩大机玩家使用。 本地代理商也提供DIN头让音响迷换用发烧线,我想说不定把前级也 …
Naim CD Players | High End CD Players | CD Radio Player - Naim …
Naim design & manufacture some of the finest high-end CD players available in the world. Crafted for pure musical performance. Discover more online.
[音源] 英国naim铭旗舰CDS2和电源NACDS-PS一套 高级CD播放器!
2020年12月24日 · CDPS电源可算是Naim 最重料的电源,内有二只大环牛,4个军工级的全桥整流桥堆,多达3组6个大电解,其中一对大金字电容犹为可贵! 同时配以6个金封三极管做为调节 …
Cds2 + xps - Hi-Fi Corner - Naim Audio - Community
2023年4月7日 · Naim typically only recommended a service of a CD player when absolutely necessary, so either a mech failure or perhaps DAC chip failure etc…