Naim CDS II CD Players - Audio Review
The Naim CDS2 is one of the few players that let me truly forget that I'm listening to a piece of playback equipment. I just relax and enjoy the music. It has an amazing sense of flow and rhythm, with wonderful control of the bass, and a beautiful lyrical quality.
- 评论数: 14
The Naim Of The Game... Naim's CDSII CD Player by Bob Neil
The Naim CDSII is the final piece of my personal puzzle. I will buy it, retrofit it with RCA's, and install Valhalla. If your taste is anything like mine and you can afford to play in this price range, I urge you to go and do likewise. LATE BREAKING NOTE: CDSII just back from Naim Audio/North America, with new RCA outputs to replace the DIN.
这些年我玩过的"奶妈"——Naim拆解搞作 - hifidiy
naim的cd音源总体大约是3个档次。 分别是旗舰CDS系列,有CDS1、CDS2、CDS3和后来的土豪旗舰CD555——不再延续CDS系列命名,估计NAIM认为CD555推出的时候,已经是他们能做到的关于CD格式的最NB的体现了。
HIFIDIY论坛-菜鸟请教下 茗 naim CD2 CD3 CD3.5 三款CD有什么不 …
5 天之前 · 形势比人强,当新推出的CD/LP软件比例达到数千比一的时候,Naim也不得不投入数字器材制造,他们第一部推出的产品是超高价的CDS,采电源分离式设计,也从这个时候开始,Naim缔造了好几项「固执记录」:
Naim CDS II CD Players - Audio Review
With the CDS2, you can really see how side-by-side the format has become. It is simply superb - substantially better than the CDX which is a great CD player. Completely sublates vinyl. Purity of emotion and presentation that is staggering. Like a live broadcast on a …
- 评论数: 14
Naim NA CDS CD player - Stereophile.com
2010年2月8日 · Now Naim has broken the digital barrier with their CDS. Although the CDS is a two-box CD player, it isn't split along the usual transport/processor lines. Instead, the bottom box is the power supply and the top box contains the transport and digital-to-analog converter—a CD player with an outboard power supply.
【欧进】英国铭NAIM CDS2+CDPS分体电源旗舰CD机【NAIM二 …
2017年2月20日 · 英国铭naim cds2 cd机是二代机种的旗舰,上代对应型号为cds,cds2采用双pcm1702u-k级解码方案,支持hdcd,飞利浦cdm12.5读取,维护成本低。 CDS2比上一代明显更加清晰,音乐适应面更广,但依然坚持往模拟味调音路线,声音自然流畅,线性,饱满浓密。
Naim-Audio-CDSII - listeninn.com
The Naim Audio CDSII is at the top of Naim's cd hierarchy. The very sophisticated power supply is typical of Naim, featuring two toroidal transformers and twenty-six power regulators, ensuring complete stability of the ultra-sensitive circuitry. It was the flagship cd player until it is now replaced by the current CDS3 model.
[音源] 英国naim铭旗舰CDS2和电源NACDS-PS一套 高级CD播放器!
2020年12月24日 · CDPS电源可算是Naim 最重料的电源,内有二只大环牛,4个军工级的全桥整流桥堆,多达3组6个大电解,其中一对大金字电容犹为可贵! 同时配以6个金封三极管做为调节输出管,可获得极为顺滑的直流电压!
【欧进】英国铭NAIM CDS CD机,模拟味第一把交椅 - 八目八目 …
2017年2月20日 · CDS 的电源部分叫做CDPS,它外形和重量与一台NAIM NAP250后级相当,里面的用料甚至比NAP250要多,它给CD机每一个部分独立提供干净的供电,好电是一切的基础。 采用定制的CDM4转盘,一块平铺的铝板下,有三点悬挂,悬挂的抗震阻尼是精心调制的,它能缓解,或者说解决外部振动对CD读取质量的干涉,中央的磁吸式碟压才是高潮部分,原厂附送有三个不同的碟压,碟压下方有橡胶小环,有的是一个,有的是两个,小环放置位置不一样,NAIM …