Naim IBL - floorstanding loudspeakers [English] - TNT-Audio
The Naim Audio IBL is a diminutive floorstanding tower, designed by Roy George of Naim back in 1987, when tiny and slim towers weren't all the rage like nowadays. Instead of a tiny floorstander that tries to mimick a full size loudspeaker, the IBL should be …
Naim IBL - floorstanding loudspeakers [English] - TNT-Audio
The Naim Audio IBL is a diminutive floorstanding tower, designed by Roy George of Naim back in 1987, when tiny and slim towers weren't all the rage like nowadays. Instead of a tiny floorstander that tries to mimick a full size loudspeaker, the IBL should be tought as an "extended bass" minimonitor . What's in a...naim.
IBL Loudspeaker - Hi-Fi Corner - Naim Audio - Community
2020年7月10日 · there is the possibility to have speakers overhauled by Naim (IBL)? Only Naim can give the final answer to that. Personally I would not do it - it is likely too expensive for the price they get sold for these days. I’m considering to loosen an tighten the bolds again. I find my ibls good but a bit shut in / dry compared to my sbls on a nap 140.
Naim Audio-IBL - www.hifi-guide.com
Designed to operate against the rear wall and with the dust grids not removed.
Naim IBL - Hi-Fi Corner - Naim Audio - Community
2021年8月8日 · Both are great speakers, with the right partnering equipment and in the right room. I’ve owned three pairs of SBLs and two pairs of IBLs, all in a room with concrete floors and solid brick walls. The SBL is more forgiving and easier to get sounding good. Without adequate amplification the IBL can sound thin and relentless.
Linn Kan vs Naim IBL - Hi-Fi Corner - Naim Audio - Community
2023年12月24日 · Naim IBL - floorstanding loudspeakers [English] Had Kan IIs with 2 x 135 for years - loved them (prefer my floorstanders now though ! Linn Kans were rather magical, a speaker that belies their size and price. IBL’s are a very acquired taste, very marmite and not one I would even consider. Worth a mention that Kans vary a fair bit.
Naim IBL Integrated Box Loudspeaker Manual - HiFi Engine
Manual Library / Naim. If you have any problems opening files please read the download FAQ. All files are provided under strict licence and reproduction without prior permission or for financial gain is strictly prohibited. If you have additional documentation please consider donating a copy to our free archive.
茗IBL落地音箱英国naim牌_已售器材_安毅音响|进口发烧器材|发烧 …
英国原产,早期的茗naim ibl,小型落地箱,媲美35A的一款好箱,人声非常迷人,音乐味道浓郁,低音5寸,小书房很适用,尺寸 74高x宽18.5x深 下底20cm 上底13cm
Naim Audio IBL - Singapore & Malaysia Hifi | Hifi Singapore | Hifi ...
The Naim Audio IBL is a diminutive floorstanding tower, designed by Roy George of Naim back in 1987. The IBL is an acoustic suspension design which makes use of two separated enclosures for the woofer acoustic load.
Naim Audio Forum Archive
2000年9月25日 · From the old Naim brochure, the IBL's have a frequency range of 45hz to 20Khz, the SBL's 18 or 20 Hz to 20 Khz. The SBL's also play slightly louder, 88 or 89 db sensetivity compared to 86.5 for the IBL's.