Naim ND5 XS 2 | Network Music Streamer - Naim Audio
ND5 XS 2 is Naim Audio’s entry-level network player and is the perfect introduction to music streaming, combining UPnP streaming, AirPlay, Chromecast built-in, Bluetooth (apt X HD), Spotify Connect, TIDAL, Roon compatibility, internet radio and multiroom streaming.
ND5 XS - Naim Audio
The ND5 XS 2 streamer unlocks a universe of musical exploration. Stream high-res audio via UPnP™, AirPlay, Chromecast, or countless services like Spotify, TIDAL, and Qobuz. Bluetooth, internet radio, and multiroom options offer ultimate flexibility.
Naim ND5 XS 2 | 网络音乐串流播放器 - Naim Audio
ND5 XS 2 是 Naim Audio 的入门级网络播放器,集 UPnP 串流、AirPlay、内置 Chromecast、蓝牙(apt X HD)、Spotify Connect、TIDAL、Roon 兼容性、网络广播和多房间串流于一身,是音乐串流的完美入门产品。
Naim ND5 XS review - What Hi-Fi?
2015年10月21日 · Naim ND5 XS review: a fully featured, insightful and captivating machine – one of the best high-end streamers we’ve ever tested – read the review at What Hi-Fi?
Naim ND5 XS 2 review - What Hi-Fi?
2023年10月16日 · The Naim ND5 XS 2 is a sterling piece of hi-fi kit. It sounds like a five-star product almost immediately, and our admiration only grows as it mellows and settles into its role. This is the kind of network streamer for which it’s seriously worth extending your budget.
评测丨五星级入门配置 Naim ND5 XS 2串流播放器 - 搜狐
2021年12月25日 · 用家只需配合Naim工程团队自行编写、专为iOS及Android平台而开发的Naim App,便可对ND5 XS 2完成各项操作及设定,还有唱片封面及相关播放信息。 然而在简约纤薄的外形之下,看过ND5 XS 2内在的用料,你是想象不到这居然只是定位入门。
Naim ND5 XS 2串流播放機評測:一款會讓音響迷徹底愛上的串流 …
Naim ND5 XS 2串流播放機評測:一款會讓音響迷徹底愛上的串流前級. 如果你不想用原廠App也沒關係,ND5 XS 2也同時支援Spotify Connect等功能,你可以在Spotify的播放介面中找到本機來播放音樂。同時本機也是一款Roon Ready器材,如果你有Roon的帳號就能拿本機作為Output使用。
歷時三年研發的新平台-Naim ND5 XS 2串流播放器 - U-Audio 新聞
ND5 XS 2是Naim除Mu-so和Uniti這些life-style取向的系列外的入門串流機種,再上面就是Classic系列的NDX 2和500系列的ND555,相對而言,售價合理的ND5 XS 2,是嚮往Naim英式美聲的朋友所最容易負擔的Naim單件式串流機。
9台数字音乐播放器简评 | Naim Audio 名 ND5 XS 2 - 视听前线
2024年5月29日 · 与此同时,ND5 XS 2 将会是首批引入崭新 Low-Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) 低电压差分信号传送技术的 Naim Audio 新世代串流播放机,既拥有高比特和低功耗之优势,同时可进一步改善讯噪比。
Naim ND5 XS 2 media player - Stereophile.com
2019年3月19日 · The ND5 XS 2 is built into an enclosure of a size and style similar to that of Naim's CD5 XS CD player, measuring 17" wide by 2.5" high by 11.75" deep and weighing 14.6 lb. Its top and sides are extruded aluminum with a black powder-coat finish, while its front panel is machined from aluminum, then brushed and anodized black.