NAIM NAIT 2 DIY - diyAudio
2023年7月18日 · I think the NA005 transistor used in Nait2 and Nait3 is BD743. The board on your attachment image is a nait3 PCB that I drew in 2013, That was my debut DIY Naim amplifier drawing ten years ago.
Replacement transistors, NAIM NAP90 - diyAudio
2012年11月7日 · The part equivalent BD743 on Pitbull's schematic is also TO220 and probably closer to the house code NA005. You won't find that spec. as it is NAIM's IP. The issue is the Hfe and matching for consistency which you don't see on the schematic but I would prefer that type over the ones fitted in your amplifier.
New Naim Output Transistors - diyAudio
The new series of Naim amplifiers has an unusual output device. From their website: "A bipolar transistor with a specification combination of very high current, power rating and bandwidth was needed, far in excess of anything available to Naim before.
应首先通过客户服务直接联系Naim获取服务或更新资料: 电话: +44 (0)1722 426600 电子邮件: [email protected] 在所有来函中请注明产品序列号(可在产品后面板找到)。 简介 3 一般安装 Naim设备设计旨在提供最佳的性能,尽可能避免效果受到任 何影响。
any Naim NA005 transistors out there? - pink fish media
2013年10月7日 · Yep, the BD911 is the 'official' alternative to the Naim transistors. As you say, just 4 new ones and check for 7.2mV across the emitter resistors. It won't sound any different so no worries there. Oh, and if the output transistors are dead you'll probably need new R22 resistors too. Get some decent wire wound ones and do both channels.
[合并机] 今天又拆Naim最新款旗舰合并机supernait2,顺便把上次 …
2019年4月24日 · 别的就不做描述了,关于声音,自然是比XS2好,最明显的是层次感更清晰,驱动力控制力更好,背景更干净,不过比起前后级的话,即便是最入门的NAC152XS这个级别的,整体还是前后级更好,合并机结构限制了,总的来说还是差点意思。 这次照骗手机拍的,大家将就看吧。 感谢大家围观. 别的就不做描述了,关于声音,自然是比XS2好,最明显的是层次感更清晰,驱动力控制力更好,背景更干净,不过比起前后级的话,即便是最入门的NAC152XS这个级 …
Nait 2 transistors help! - pink fish media
2010年1月8日 · NA005 BD743's will replace the NA005s- recommended by Naim. Click to expand... so you tell me to try a minimun VCE 100V "bd711" to drop in a NA 005 40VCE place?
HIFIDIY论坛-naim 的 大名鼎鼎的Nait 2 帖子重开一贴 - Powered …
2025年3月20日 · 标准型准互补电路在交越区附近的对称性不佳,而对称性得到较大改善的是采用巴克森德尔二极管的巴克森德尔(Baxandall)准互补电路。 此贴质料到此为止了,谢谢观赏! 搞套件出来玩玩啊 。 喜欢乙类放大。
收音头PK (naim NAT05 与 密林 MD90) - HiFi168
2012年1月30日 · 1、naim nat05是该型号的第一代产品,2003年前的产品,密林是MD90(后面无T),大概06年左右的产品。 两机二手价格相当。 2、 naim电源线及信号线均非原装,信号线用好鸡的DIN转RCA,密林用EICHMANN信号线(市价约1600元)。 3、 天线为室外天线,两机分 两组输入至 功放,随时切换对比。 8、naim 刚开机是声音欠流畅,但naim会越来越好听,越听越有惊喜。 本来入了naim,打算用密林来换台naim 5i-2功放的,但现在有点纠结,这个那个这个那 …
What, which output transistors do the following amplifiers use …
2024年12月9日 · For the CB and olive series, naim has used I think a BDY 57 for the first nap 250s, then later switched to their NA001. They then went around with a few transistors up to the NA005. In my opinion, the transistor choice does not make as much as a difference as compared to the power supply design, which was the main driving difference between the ...