What is Nam Simaran? - Definition from Yogapedia
2023年12月21日 · Nam simaran is a term derived from the Punjabi and Sanskrit languages that means “repetition of name” or “remembrance of name” and refers to the name of God in both Hindu and Sikh traditions. The name of the divine is repeated silently or aloud through prayers, hymns, chanting or meditation.
Nam simaran | Sikhism | Britannica
…the word, the believer undertakes nam simaran, or meditation on the name. Through this discipline, he gradually begins to perceive manifold signs of the nam, and the means of liberation are progressively revealed. Ascending to ever-higher levels of mystical experience, the believer is blessed with a mounting sense of peace…
Nam-simran - namdhari world
The tradition of nam-simran practised by the Sikh Gurus was revived by Namdhari Gurus, Balak Singh and Ram Singh in mid 19th century. The constant remembrance of God, the Sikh tradition of nirguna bhakti informs us that it liberates a man from his mundane attachments and transcends him to the spiritual plane.
What is Nam Simran? | SikhRI Videos
Nam Simran holds significant importance in Sikhi, extending far beyond mere identification with the Divine. ‘Nam’ goes beyond identification, and ‘Simran’ signifies remembrance. The practice of Nam Simran, as depicted in the Guru Granth Sahib, …
Waheguru Naam Simran, Meditation, Soothing and very Relaxing - YouTube
In “Naam Simran” the “Beloved” seems to be always present, just around the corner, playing a hide & seek, and ready to pop out anytime to give the “Lover-mind” a Vision.
Waheguru Simran - Naam Simran | Bhai Satinderbir Singh Ji ... - YouTube
#wahegurusimran #waheguruwaheguru #satnamwaheguru Meditative One Hour Waheguru Naam Simran By Bhai Satinderbir Singh Ji ( Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib, Am...
Naam Simran – Concept and Practice – Dr. Inder Mohan Singh
2016年8月24日 · Naam is at the heart of Sikhi – “Nanak ke ghar keval Naam” – (The house of Nanak is filled with just Naam). The purpose of life, according to Gurbani, is union with God through Naam Simran. Naam is a very broad and deep, mystical concept. We will look at both the meaning and practice of Naam Simran.
What is Nam Simran? | Ask SikhRI | SikhRI Podcasts
The practice of Nam Simran, as depicted in the Guru Granth Sahib, involves recitation, deep connection, and selfless service. In this podcast series, we dive into the community's greatest questions asked by people like YOU.
Naam Simran: The Unshakable Foundation of Sikh Spirituality
2024年12月14日 · Many modern scholars outright reject the principle of Gurmat Naam Simran. They claim that repeating a sacred word is nothing more than a “futile exercise” or mere “parroting,” dismissing its spiritual depth and significance.
What is Nam? - Definition from Yogapedia
2023年12月21日 · In Sikhism, nam simaran refers to meditation, singing of hymns and contemplating God’s names or qualities. Nam is also used in conjunction with other syllables, words or sound vibrations in mantras. Mantras are chanted in yoga practice and meditation to still the mind and focus concentration on a single thought or purpose.