NAMD - Scalable Molecular Dynamics - University of Illinois …
2024年10月17日 · NAMD, recipient of a 2002 Gordon Bell Award, a 2012 Sidney Fernbach Award, and a 2020 Gordon Bell Prize, is a parallel molecular dynamics code designed for high-performance simulation of large biomolecular systems.
[NAMD] NAMD自由能计算教程—1、用eABF和meta-eABF进行多维自由能计算
2018年9月4日 · 其实现在跑模拟已经很简单了,拿NAMD为例,跑模拟最少只需要3个文件,pdb(定义初始原子坐标),psf(定义原子连接方式、电荷和原子类型),prm(力场参数)和conf(模拟参数)文件,如果你跑的是生物体系(比如蛋白质、膜)的话,前面三种文件都可以用 ...
Software Downloads - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Download NAMD: NAMD is a parallel, object-oriented molecular dynamics code designed for high-performance simulation of large biomolecular systems. Simulation preparation and analysis is integrated into the visualization package VMD. Visit the NAMD website for complete information and documentation.
GitHub - quantaosun/NAMD-MD: Open Source, Prepare a …
Open Source, Prepare a molecular dynamic simulation from scratch without installing local VMD, use LigParGen for topology, it is one of the most reliable MD for a general solution protein-ligand simulation. - quantaosun/NAMD-MD
NAMD Tutorials - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
2018年2月26日 · Introductory and advanced tutorials and other resources on using the NAMD (Nanoscale Molecular Dynamics) software program. The tutorials below focus on NAMD-specific features, although many other tutorials utilize NAMD as well.
分子动力学软件——NAMD - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
介绍分子动力学软件——NAMD是什么?以及详细操作教程,请低 …
2023年6月28日 · NAMD(NAnoscale Molecular Dynamics)是用于在大规模并行计算机上快速模拟大分子体系的并行分子动力学代码。 NAMD用经验力场,如Amber,CHARMM和Dreiding,通过数值求解运动方程计算原子轨迹。 1. 软件所能模拟的体系的尺度:微观,介观或跨尺度等. 微观和介观,是众多md 软件中并行处理最好的,可以支持几千个cpu 运算。 在单机上速度也很快。 在进行并行计算中采用了Load Balancing方法,给每个CPU分配相同的计算量使得计算 …
纯标准蛋白质体系分子动力学模拟:vmd建模+NAMD模拟 - 知乎
VMD (Visual Molecular Dynamics) 和 NAMD (Nanoscale Molecular Dynamics) 是 MD 模拟中的两款主流工具,分别承担建模和模拟计算的任务。 VMD 提供强大的分子可视化功能,可以轻松完成体系构建与初步检查;而 NAMD 以其高性能和良好的可扩展性,在大规模分子体系的模拟中表现出色。 通过这两种工具的结合,研究者能够高效完成从模型构建到动力学计算的整个流程。 本文主要简介vmd建模+NAMD模拟进行纯标准蛋白质体系分子动力学模拟的流程。 建模前准 …
2001年9月1日 · Molecular dynamics and NAMD • MD to understand the structure and function of biomolecules – proteins, DNA, membranes • NAMD is a production quality MD program – Active use by biophysicists (science publications) – 50,000+ lines of C++ code – 1000+ registered users – Features and “accessories” such as • VMD: visualization and ...
NAMD: Scalable Molecular Dynamics Software
NAMD is parallel molecular dynamics software designed to provide high-performance simulations of large biomolecular systems. NAMD was developed by the Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group under the direction of Professor Klaus Schulten in collaboration with other faculty and laboratories at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.