Sos - Name Meaning and Origin
The surname Sos is of Polish origin and is derived from the personal name Sosna, which means "pine tree" in Polish. It is a toponymic surname, indicating that the original bearer likely lived near or was associated with a place named Sosna or had some connection to pine trees.
Secretary of State’s Office (for U.S. States) | Business Search
A Secretary of State (for U.S. States) is a government position that oversees business entities, licensing (professional and driving), and vehicle registration. It is an elected position in 35 States, that usually carries a 4-year term.
Name Reservations - California Secretary of State
A preliminary search of corporation, limited liability company and limited partnership names already of record with the California Secretary of State can be made online through our Business Search.
Sos Name Meaning and Sos Family History at FamilySearch
Jewish (from Hungary; Sós): adoption of the name in 1 above either as a Hungarian calque of the formerly used German-based surname, or because the Hungarian surname (or word) has some sounds in common with the original surname.
Sos Surname/Last Name: Meaning, Origin, Family History 2024
The meaning of Sos 1. Hungarian (Sós): nickname from Hungarian sós ‘of salt, salty’. This form of the surname is also found in Slovakia (see also 2 below). Compare Sosh and Soss. 2. Croatian and Slovenian (Šoš); Slovak (Šóš and Šoš): from a Slavicized form of Hungarian Sós (see 1 …
SOS - Wikipedia
SOS is a Morse code distress signal ( ), used internationally, originally established for maritime use.
Last name SOS: origin and meaning - Geneanet
Last Name : SOS, Learn more about the geographical origin and the etymology of this last name
Texas Secretary of State (SOSDirect) | Business Entity Search
The Texas Secretary of State business entity search page (SOSDirect) allows online visitors the power to run a query for a specific business name against its database of registered Texas entities.
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Sos Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History - Forebears
Learn the fascinating origin of the Sos surname; its meaning & distribution. Unlock your family history in the largest database of last names.
Colorado Secretary of State - Business Database Search
The Secretary of State's Office acts as a filing registry for businesses. This office lacks the authority to certify if a business is operating legally. What does a business in "Good Standing" …
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