python - What is inf and nan? - Stack Overflow
2013年7月13日 · Also I noticed that if I add -inf + inf, I get nan that is the same as Zero or not. I'm confused about what the uses of these two values are. Also when I do nan - inf, I don't get -inf. I get nan. I'm sure it's all pretty simple but I stumbled upon them and didn't know what they do.
math - How to use nan and inf in C? - Stack Overflow
2009年12月18日 · In C99, the C header <math.h> defines nan(), nanf(), and nanl() that return different representations of NaN (as a double, float, and int respectively), and infinity (if avaliable) could be returned by generating one with log(0) or something.
python - How to check for NaN values - Stack Overflow
2023年7月13日 · This is true for numbers, false for nan and both inf, and will raise an exception for things like strings or other types (which is probably a good thing). Also this does not require importing any libraries like math or numpy (numpy is so damn big it doubles the size of any compiled application).
What is the internal representation of inf and NaN?
2009年3月12日 · A friend & I were debating how Inf's and NaN's are stored during lunch today. Take Fortran 90 for example. 4-byte reals can obtain the value of Inf or NaN. How is this stored internally? Presumably, a 4-byte real is a number represented internally by a 32 digit binary number. Are Inf's and NaN's stored as 33 bit binary numbers?
How to check for inf (and | or) NaN in a double variable
When I pass 0 and 0 as arguments, it outputs dRes = inf. But I was expecting dRes = NaN or something like that. Is NaN representable in double variables? For that matter, any variable? When I changed the data type of d1,d2,dRes to int and passed 0 and 0, I got a Floating exception. What is the difference?
How are NaN and Infinity of a float or double stored in memory?
2016年3月22日 · Inf has all bits of the mantissa zero; NaN has at least one bit in the mantissa set to 1. The sign bit retains its normal meaning for Inf but is not meaningful for NaN. Java's Double.NaN is one particular value that will be interpreted as NaN, but there are 2 53 −3 others.
matlab - inf or Inf? nan or NaN? - Stack Overflow
2013年1月11日 · Most idiomatically consistent would be nan and inf but MATLAB offers you the alternative way of capitalizing NaN and Inf, the way you will find it everywhere else, like in printouts, for example. Note that MATLAB is case sensitive. Nobody will use Nan or InF, so MATLAB does not provide these "aliases".
Python pandas: how to remove nan and -inf values
I have the following dataframe time X Y X_t0 X_tp0 X_t1 X_tp1 X_t2 X_tp2 0 0.002876 0 10 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1 0.
Alternative methods of initializing floats to '+inf', '-inf' and 'nan'
2018年8月2日 · 1. Technically, Python doesn't require IEEE floating point. In fact, what it requires are something that acts like the platform's C double—which C doesn't require to be an IEEE type, and only if that makes sense for the implementation (e.g., Jython is obviously going to use the relevant Java type without caring what the C compiler used to compile the JVM thinks), and it doesn't clarify ...
NA / NaN / Inf on call to an external function (arg 5)
2021年4月28日 · But you say "the simulated values are only zero". Are the "simulated values" in x?If so, @Roland has identified the problem.