CCBC15 出题笔记 - Non-existent World
这次的 CCBC15 我作为出题人共出了五道题,分别是「CCBC MOE」、「西提沃克刮刮乐」、「NO th i n g is Everything」、「遗失的解密卡」以及「大海捞针」。 这里我会分别介绍一下每道题的出题思路。 题目解析的话见于题目链接。 这题的灵感源自于我有一天突发奇想,想着能不能将每个字都按照某种规则转换成扑克,这样我们就可以每人拿出一句诗然后组三个人打斗地主了? 当然,最后没选择斗地主,而是选择了规则比较明确的德州扑克,从德扑 5+2N 比大小的形式也 …
TryHackMe: NanoCherryCTF - jaxafed
2024年7月7日 · NanoCherryCTF included collecting three parts of a password by gaining access to the machine as three different users. We gained first part by brute-forcing a login page, second part by fuzzing, and third part by abusing a cronjob.
NanoCherryCTF (writeup-THM). NanoCherryCTF on TryHackMe is a ctf…
2024年7月6日 · NanoCherryCTF on TryHackMe is a ctf challenge that tests skills in privilege-escalation and web exploitation. It’s perfect for both beginners and experts looking for a hands-on learning...
AliyunCTF2023 NanoCatPlanet 出题笔记 - Non-existent World
2023年4月25日 · 通过查看文件二进制信息可以发现存在一个 tEXt 段,里面的信息是 Software=CatWatermark。 这一个 block 的 CRC 有误,所以如果用 PIL 读取图片的话也会有 …
TryHackMe - NanoCherryCTF - Volta
2024年7月7日 · Very CTF styled room a story with multiple horizontal privilege escalations and a unique challenge to get root. The Story: The vigilante hacker and Vim enthusiast has enlisted you for help!
NanoCherryCTF | Writeups - GitBook
2024年7月7日 · Explore a double-sided site and escalate to root! - by dsneddon00. The following post by 0xb0b is licensed under CC BY 4.0. We start with a Nmap scan and find only two open ports. Port 22 with SSH and port 80 with a web server. We adapt our /etc/hosts file to the room description and find an ice cream online shop.
MRCTF2022 Writeup - Non-existent World
2022年4月25日 · Google CTF 的题是找不存在的 E 所对应的 01 编码,因为 E 根本没出现在原文,故 Huffman Tree 不可能出现 E 对应的 01 编码。 换到 jpeg 就需要去研究 jpeg 是怎么编码的,然后找出 DHT1 这个块里面有哪个 01 编码从头到尾根本没用过,然后就会发现每张图都藏着一 …
TryHackMe NanoCherryCTF Writeup - Medium
2024年7月13日 · THM NanoCherryCTF Walkthrough /… | by nr_4x4 | Medium. We have a username and password but the first step should always be a port scan! I didn’t find anything …
TryHackMe-Writeups/Writeups/003_NanoCherryCTF/003 ... - GitHub
wFuzz was able to identify 1 subdomain called nano Let's add nano.cherryontop.thm to our /etc/hosts. Navigating to nano.cherryontop.thm, we see the dark side of the innocent ice cream shop. A NANO CULT. We see a login page as well: /login.php. The innocent people we saw at the ice cream shop aren't that innocent after all!
Linkai Zheng | 郑林楷
What’s more, I am an active participant in cybersecurity competitions and algorithm competitions. I am a member of Redbud, a Capture the Flag (CTF) team affiliated with Tsinghua University, as well as Water Paddler, an international CTF team. My main skills are Miscellaneous and Cryptography. Recent News
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