Nanonetwork - Wikipedia
A nanonetwork or nanoscale network is a set of interconnected nanomachines (devices a few hundred nanometers or a few micrometers at most in size) which are able to perform only very simple tasks such as computing, data storing, sensing and actuation.
Nanonetworks: A new frontier in communications - IEEE Xplore
2010年7月28日 · In this talk, first the state-of-the-art in nano-machines, including architectural aspects, expected features of future nano-machines, and current developments are presented for a better understanding of the nanonetwork scenarios. Moreover, nanonetworks features and components are explained and compared with traditional communication networks.
Nano-networks communication architecture: Modeling and functions
2018年9月1日 · Nano-network holds greater communication and processing potential that overcomes the limitations of standalone Nano-machine through Nano-devices cooperation. A Nano-network can carry the data to an external device such as a smartphone or a gateway enabling Nano-devices to wirelessly communicate with powerful external processing devices.
Nanonetwork Concepts and Architectures - IEEE Xplore
We start with an analysis of ad hoc networks and mobile networks to derive valuable information from macroscale networks for their nanoscale counterparts. Afterward, we recapitulate the most important peculiarities of nanoscale networks, as opposed to comparable macroscopic networks.
Nanonetworks: A new communication paradigm - ScienceDirect
2008年8月22日 · In this paper, first the state-of-the-art in nano-machines, including architectural aspects, expected features of future nano-machines, and current developments are presented for a better understanding of nanonetwork scenarios. Moreover, nanonetworks features and components are explained and compared with traditional communication networks.
A new nanonetwork architecture using flagellated bacteria and …
2010年4月22日 · In this novel approach, the information is encoded as molecules that are transported between nano-scale devices within different distances. For short distances (nm-mm ranges) there exist molecular motors and calcium signaling techniques to realize the communication. For long distances (mm-m ranges), pheromones are used to …
1. 无线纳米传感器网络和纳米物联网络:背景、架构、特征-CSDN …
2022年8月6日 · 无线纳米传感器网络 (Wireless Nano Sensor Networks, WNSN)包含了各种基于纳米技术而制造或生成的纳米对象,包括:纳米天线、纳米节点、纳米传感器、纳米控制器、纳米路由器、等等。 把这种网络嵌入现有网络带来了一种新网络模式,称为纳米物联网 (Internet of Nano Things, IoNT)。 本文将简述这一模式的出现背景、网络架构、以及技术特征。 本文主要参考了文献 [1],内容组织如下: 技术已经成为我们生活的一部分,已经彻底地改变了许多领域。 被称 …
Nanonetworks - SpringerLink
2020年1月1日 · A nanonetwork is a set of interconnected nanomachines, i.e., devices that integrate nanometer-scale components, with computing, data storing, sensing, and actuation capabilities. Nanonetworks are expected to expand the capabilities of single nanomachines both in terms of complexity and range of operation by allowing them to coordinate, share ...
3D Magnetic Nanonetwork Breakthrough Could Enable New
2021年8月14日 · Three dimensional (3D) nano-network promises a new era in modern solid state physics with numerous applications in photonics, bio-medicine, and spintronics. The realization of 3D magnetic nano-architectures could enable ultra-fast and low-energy data storage devices.
Nanonetworks: Next Frontier in Wireless Communications
Communication among the nanodevices will contribute toward a nanonetwork, which can bring light to several groundbreaking applications. As the traditional electromagnetic (EM) communication approaches cannot be applied directly at the nanolevel, the research community has turned towards finding new solutions, one being nano-electromagnetic ...