Japanese JLPT Grammar Point ~なんと 言いますか。 (〜nan to iimasu ka.)
Learn about the Japanese JLPT grammar point "~なんと 言いますか。 (〜nan to iimasu ka.)". This page provides a detailed explanation, examples, and usage.
JLPT N1 Grammar なんという / なんと / なんて (nan to iu / nanto …
Learn Japanese grammar: 何という / 何と / 何て【 なんという / なんと / なんて 】(nan to iu / nanto / nante). Meaning: how (beautiful, etc.); what a ~. This connects to nouns to express surprised emotions. It can be used for both good and bad situations.
What does What does "nanto iu ka" mean? mean? - HiNative
2021年5月12日 · Definition of What does "nanto iu ka" mean? What do you say?|Two possibilities based on the context. 1. I'm not sure how to describe it. (in a situation someone is trying to explain something) 2. What is the name. (in a situation someone is asking to another)|What should i say
Japanese Phrasebook/Greetings and farewell - Wikibooks
2022年5月8日 · Nanto iimashita ka: 何 (なん) と 言 (い) いました か: Please speak more slowly. Mō sukoshi yukkuri hanashite kudasai. もう 少 (すこ) し ゆっくり 話 (はな) して 下 (くだ) さい。 I understand very well. Yoku wakarimasu. よく 分 (わ) かります。
How do you say ‘how do you say’ in Japanese? - Turning Japanese
The simple phrase is nan to iimasu ka, however a full sentence would look like this, Q: Nani nani (something) wa nihongo de nan to iimasu ka? For example: Q: Dog wa nihongo de nan to iimasu ka? A: Inu iimasu.
Japanese expression: (何となく) “nan to naku”
2023年12月23日 · 何と (“nan to” or “nanto”) is a word that roughly means “what” or “how”, and has several usages, for example as a question word for something that is quoted like something thought or said: 何と答えたらいいか分からない (nan to kotaetara ii ka wakaranai)
nanto ii masu ka? 这个在 日语 里怎么说? - HiNative
关于日语 的问题. nanto ii masu ka? 这个在 日语 里怎么说?
JLPT N3 Grammar なんか / なんて / など (nanka / nante / nado)
Learn Japanese grammar: なんか (nanka), なんて (nante), など (nado). Meaning: give examples; things like; something like; show modesty; make light of ~. This used to either: give examples; things like… (see examples 1~2). show modesty (see examples 3~4). make light of; belittling something (see examples 5~8). How are なんか・なんて・など different?
何とか, なんとか, nantoka - Nihongo Master
something,something or other,so-and-so,somehow,anyhow,one way or another - Meaning of 何とか, なんとか, nantoka. See complete explanation and more examples and pronunciation.
Learn Japanese: nanto - how; what; what with - Elon
”Car” は 日 に 本 ほん 語 ご で 何 なん と 言 い います か? "Car" wa nihongo de nanto iimasu ka? How do you say "car" in Japanese? We have hundreds of Japanese lessons and thousands of exercises. Learn the meaning of "nanto" and hundreds of other Japanese words and phrases in our online Japanese lessons, and apply your new knowledge in our online exercises.