NAO T14 — Aldebaran documentation
NAO - User Guide; NAO - Developer Guide. Technical overview; Available languages; Kinematics data; Actuator & Sensor list; Diagnosis key list; Versions and Body Types. NAO H25; NAO H21; NAO T14. T14 - Dimensions; T14 - LEDs; T14 - Joint position sensors; T14 - Motors; T14 - Contact and tactile sensors; T14 - Links; T14 - Joints; T14 - Masses ...
2023年10月27日 · 在1.14.4官方文档中Robot version and Body Type 一小节对机器人版本进行了介绍: 具有完整身体结构,相比于H21,主要是手指部分存在差异。 该版本NAO机器人机身均为橘黄色或浅蓝色,采用了全新的CPU系列 atom。 主要差异在脑后接口,除此之外,NAO V3.2版本(可能之前的版本)都带有一张内存卡,插在机器人脑后的USB口上,机器人运行时不可以取出。 根据大脑后面的USB接口也可以判定机器人版本和型号。 2014.6.27,softbank- robotics 正式 …
T14 - Motors - V3.3 — Aldebaran documentation
The table below lists the motor type and reduction ratio for each joint in NAO - V. 3.3:
NAO T14 — Aldebaran documentation
NAO - Actuator & Sensor list; NAO - Versions and Body Type; NAO H25; NAO H21; NAO T14. T14 - Dimensions; T14 - LEDs; T14 - Joint position sensors; T14 - Contact and tactile sensors; T14 - Links; T14 - Joints; T14 - Masses; T14 - Motors; NAO T2; ASK NAO Interface - V2 - User Guide; Romeo Documentation; NAOqi Developer guide; Glossary; Legal ...
NAO T14 — NAO Software 1.14.5 documentation - Aldebaran
T14 - Joint position sensors; T14 - Contact and tactile sensors; Optional devices. Available languages; NAO T14¶ « H25 - Contact and tactile sensors | Hardware | T14 - Dimensions »
T14 - Motors — Aldebaran documentation
NAO - Actuator & Sensor list; NAO - Versions and Body Type; NAO H25; NAO H21; NAO T14. T14 - Dimensions; T14 - LEDs; T14 - Joint position sensors; T14 - Contact and tactile sensors; T14 - Links; T14 - Joints; T14 - Masses; T14 - Motors. T14 - Motors - V3.3; T14 - Motors - V3.2; NAO T2; Romeo Documentation; NAOqi Developer guide; Glossary; Legal ...
Nao T14, (Courtesy of Aldebaran Robotics) - ResearchGate
Download scientific diagram | Nao T14, (Courtesy of Aldebaran Robotics) from publication: Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of Lower-Mobility Cooperative Arms | This paper studies the modeling and...
NAO T14 — Aldebaran documentation
NAO - User Guide; NAO - Developer Guide. Technical overview; Supported languages; Kinematics data; Actuator & Sensor list; Diagnosis key list; Versions and Body Types. NAO H25; NAO H21; NAO T14. T14 - Dimensions; T14 - LEDs; T14 - Joint position sensors; T14 - Motors; T14 - Contact and tactile sensors; T14 - Links; T14 - Joints; T14 - Masses ...
T14 - Motors — NAO Software 1.14.5 documentation
There are 3 types of motor in NAO - V. 4.0: For each motor, there are several types of speed reduction ratio:
NAO T14 — NAO Software 1.14 documentation - fileadmin.cs.lth.se
T14 - Joint position sensors; T14 - Contact and tactile sensors; NAO T14¶ « H21 - Contact and tactile sensors | Hardware | T14 - Dimensions »H21 - Contact and tactile sensors | Hardware | T14 - Dimensions»