Naomi - DARLING in the FRANXX Wiki
Naomi (ナオミ, Naomi) is a former Parasite from the Thirteenth Plantation with the codename "703". She is the former partner of Hiro, who held her back from becoming a pilot due to his inability to pilot FRANXX.
直美(动画《DARLING in the FRANXX》及其衍生作品中的角色)_ …
直美,本名为CODE:703(ナオミ),是由 TRIGGER 和 A-1 Pictures 共同制作的原创动画《DARLING in the FRANXX》及其衍生作品中的登场角色,由小清水亚美配音。 直美,原操纵者的候补少女, 广 的原搭挡,在广所发起的适应性测验中失败,离开了米斯特汀。 本名「CODE:703」。 很喜欢广为自己取的名字。 昵称「直美(ナオミ)」的命名方式为7(なな)0(お) 3(み)→ナオミ。 在最终测验中与 广 6次连接失败,被判定测验不合格,将要被 …
DARLING in the FRANXX - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
CODE:703「Naomi」(直美) CV:小清水亚美 原操纵者的候补少女。 在广所发起的适应性测验中失败,离开了米斯特汀。
DITF Season 2 - A HUGE post about some facts/what to expect
2021年1月17日 · On November 20, 2018 a user by the name of u/Tenzntwentiez created a post after asking Hiromi Wakabayashi (Creative Producer of DITF) about a season 2 at ANIME NYC; Hiromi Wakabayashi supposedly answered with;
DARLING in the FRANXX - 百度百科
该剧讲述了遥远的未来,身为人型机器人驾驶员的主人公广遇到神秘的少女02,并和伙伴们一起,在与敌人叫龙的对抗中,逐步发现背后真相,并拯救世界的故事。 [17] 他们拥有梦想。 总有一天,飞向广阔天空的梦想。 知晓被玻璃遮盖的这片天空有多么遥远。 遥远的未来。 人类在荒废的大地上建设了移动要塞都市“种植园”,并讴歌着文明。 在那当中建造的驾驶员居住设施“槲寄生”,通称“鸟笼”。 孩子们就住在那里。 对外面的世界一无所知。 对自由的天空一无所知。 他们 …
About Naomi's future and pairing procedures : r/DarlingInTheFranxx - Reddit
2018年3月11日 · Part of the reason why DiTF episode one works so well at setting the tone for the entire show is Naomi. Her speech at the docks states clearly who is Hiro, a person that we otherwise would only know by his personal meditations. She says three important things, quite inconsistent but very relevant nonetheless:
Squad 13 - DARLING in the FRANXX Wiki
Ikuno is a doctor and in a relationship with Naomi. The squad gathers at a cherry blossom tree to remember Hiro and Zero Two, thanking them for the lessons they learned from the two and their sacrifice to give them the freedom to live good lives.
有国家队之称的 Ditf 完结了,那么现在能客观公正地评价一下这部 …
How did we miss that? Naomi is actually alive. : r ... - Reddit
2018年4月29日 · Naomi is actually alive. It's not that we missed Ichigo saying that, it's that we're pretty sure that's a lie told by the adults. She certainly didn't look like she survived being squished by a Klaxosaur. Also we know (from squad 13 saying it themselves) that Parasites don't ever go back to The Garden.
DitF镜头.gif分析+抒情体人物手书(DARLING in the FRANXX)剧评
2021年5月18日 · DitF里出彩的动作,除了「舔舐」、「Kiss」,还有「牵手」。 在初见的风雪窗口、再次相逢的湖畔、鹤望兰的入口前……几乎每一次重要的相遇,都伴随着牵手的画面。
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