NAS1097AD3 Rivets - Military Fasteners
NAS1097AD3-4.5 Solid Rivet. length: 9/32" diameter: 3/32", flush shear head, aluminum alloy, roughly 4550 pieces per pound, NAS1097 series rivet
NAS1097AD3-4 Rivet - diameter 3/32 - Military Fasteners
NAS1097AD3-5 Solid Rivet in Rivets. Length: 5/16" diameter: 3/32", flush shear head, aluminum alloy, roughly 4450 pieces per pound, NAS1097 series rivet
NAS1097 Reduced Head Solid Rivets, 3/32 Inch
For NAS1097AD3 rivets, add 0.125" to 0.141" to the thickness of the assembly to find the rivet length needed. Example: The -4 size (1/4" long) can be used on assemblies 0.109" to 0.125" thick. Hole Preparation: The FAA recommends drilling a pilot hole using a 3/32" drill bit and drilling to final size using a #40 (0.098") drill bit.
FLUSH RIVETS (NAS1097AD3-3) from Aircraft Tool Supply
FLUSH RIVETS (NAS1097AD3-3) - NAS1097AD Flush Shear Rivet (oops rivets), 3/32 Diameter x 3/16 Long, Approx 650 rivets per pack.
National Aerospace Standard NAS1097AD3-3 Aluminum 100° …
National Aerospace Standard NAS1097AD3-3 Aluminum 100° Flush Head Rivet, Solid - 1 lb Bag - Visit and view our entire section at SkyGeek!
NAS1097AD3-4: Rapid Rivet & Fastener Corp. Solid Rivet, 3/32
Shop Boeing for NAS1097AD3-4, Rapid Rivet & Fastener Corp. Solid Rivet, 3/32 in Dia, 1/4 in OAL, Aluminum Alloy. Boeing offers Aircraft Parts, Chemicals, Tools, and more.
NAS1097AD3-6 Rivet - length 3/8 - Military Fasteners
NAS1097AD3-5 Solid Rivet in Rivets. Length: 5/16" diameter: 3/32", flush shear head, aluminum alloy, roughly 4450 pieces per pound, NAS1097 series rivet
NAS1097AD3 | Solid | Aluminum | Military - Rapid Rivet
NAS1097AD3. Established in 1985 - Large Inventory - Ready to Ship Memorandum: Defense Industrial Base. Expert Support: 800-727-4378. About. About Customer Reviews Quality Line Card Rapid Rivet Blog. Products. Material Categories. Aluminum Brass Copper Steel Monel Stainless Steel. Manufacturers.
FLUSH RIVET ASSORTMENT (NAS1097AD) - NAS1097AD Flush Shear Rivet (oops rivets) assortment of 3/32 and 1/8 diameter rivets in six (3) most commonly used lengths.
FLUSH RIVETS (NAS1097AD3-4) - Aircraft Tool
FLUSH RIVETS (NAS1097AD3-4) - NAS1097AD Flush Shear Rivet (oops rivets), 3/32 Diameter x 1/4 Long, Approx 550 rivets per pack.