Rivets Oversize - Aircraft engineering | Eng-Tips
2008年1月15日 · NAS1242 are 1/64" over the nominal size (the 1/8" rivet is 9/64"). you need the spec (commercial property) but there really isn't much more in it ... they come in the range of …
Over size RIVET Parts Number - Aircraft engineering - Eng-Tips
2023年11月28日 · Hello,All I don't know over size rivet parts number. I knew about "NAS1241","NAS1242". But I don't know the rivet made by monel.
Does a MS20426DD rivet can be replaced by a MS20426AD rivet 5 …
2010年11月17日 · CAUTION: check the static shear ultimate numbers first in MMPDS or a corporate design manual FIRST. For odd-oversize driven rivets [Example: NAS1241, …
Shear strength of 2117 aluminum rivets - Aircraft engineering
2023年5月17日 · Greetings, everyone! This is my first time starting a thread, and I'm hoping to receive your help. [smile] I've encountered a problem: commonly used solid rivets, like …
Rivet length call-out on drawings - Aircraft engineering | Eng-Tips
2004年1月9日 · However, when calling out specialized rivets such as non-standard alloys [D, DD, K , KE, T], or precision spec parts [NAS9313, NAS9314, etc], or special oversize ODs …
2024 "DD" alloy rivet heat treat... and other 2 - Eng-Tips
2009年7月10日 · In stores we usually have a bags of various diameters & types (Prot, CSK, NAS1241/NAS1242, etc ..) -usually the longest we can obtain - trim down to the length when …