Dessi Nasal Bipolar Forceps Developed in conjunction with Patrick Dessi, MD Hemostasis is one of the greatest challenges in endoscopic sinus surgery. The Dessi Nasal Bipolar Forceps feature a tip design that allows access to difficult areas of the nasal cavity, while the bipolar cautery is intended to remove tissue and control bleeding.
Bipolar Forceps - Aesculap USA
Aesculap's extensive line of more than 200 bipolar forceps range from the classic Yasargil style, with increased tension for tissue preparation, to our Rose Gold Forceps, offering the latest technology in the reduction of tissue adhesion.
Tenzel Bipolar Forceps | S2050 12 | Bausch Instruments
Nasal and Sinus - Nasal Cutting; Nasal and Sinus - Nasal Septum; Nasal and Sinus - Sphenoid Punch; Otologic Micro - Alligator; Otologic Micro - Cup; ... Name: Tenzel Bipolar Forceps. Additional Views (Click to View): Related Products ©2023 Bausch & Lomb Incorporated. ...
Dessi Bipolar Forcep - Integra Life
Product details page for Dessi Bipolar Forcep is loaded. Quick Order; Resources & Support; Careers; Investors; Login; Contact; Healthcare Professionals; Patients & Caregivers. Our Company. News Healthcare Professionals ... MicroFrance ® …
Bipolar Forceps - Endoscopy Superstore
Endoscopy Superstore® offers top-quality endoscopes and instruments for the medical industry. We deliver cost-effective, high-quality endoscopy products with immediate availability. We cover many medical specialties such as Urology or Sinus and sell items like forceps and needles.
Adson Bipolar Forceps - Admire Surgical
ADMIRE SURGICAL ’s Adson Bipolar Forceps are designed to control temperatures, minimize heat & current spread as well as reduce tissue sticking or charring while coagulating during bipolar electrosurgical procedures. Reduce overheating at the site of coagulation. Prime grade Nylon is used for long-lasting coating.
Storz 456501B Blakesley-Wilde Rhinoforce II Nasal Forcep
Storz 456501B Blakesley-Wilde Rhinoforce II Nasal Forcep. Storz 456501B Blakesley-Wilde Rhinoforce II Nasal Forcep ... AED Non-Mag Lap Instruments Bipolar Cables Bipolar Forceps FLEXLAP® Forceps Miscellaneous Lap Forceps Precise Forceps Precise Rotator Caps Slide 'N' Lock Forceps ...
EU Standar Ent Surgical Nasal Bipolar Forcep - Bipolar Forceps ...
CIS company offers a wide range of US & European standard Mono polar and Bipolar reusable autoclave able and disposable forceps in various lengths, styles and tip sizes for different surgical and anatomical requirements. Apply to Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, brain surgery, plastic surgery and other various surgeries;
Bipolar Forcep - Non-Stick - BR Surgical
These high quality German stainless steel bipolar forceps are available in various configurations.
Bipolar Forcep - Integra Life
Bipolar Forcep. close. Bipolar Forcep. Ordering Information. Ordering Information. 2.5mm, Straight, W/L 4-3/4" MCEN54. Brand: MicroFrance ... MicroFrance ® Dessi Nasal Bipolar Forceps Sell Sheet;