Western hognose snake - Wikipedia
The western hognose snake (Heterodon nasicus) is a species [2] of snake in the family Colubridae. The species is endemic to North America. There are three subspecies that are recognized as being valid, including the nominotypical subspecies.
猪鼻蛇 - 百度百科
东部猪鼻蛇( Heterodon platirhinos )有作为宠物被饲养,而西部猪鼻蛇( Heterodon nasicus )是宠物贸易中最丰富的猪鼻蛇种类。这是因为西部猪鼻蛇是其他物种中最小的,它们的饮食更加灵活,可以吃除两栖动物以外的哺乳动物,而两栖动物全年都没有。
豬鼻蛇屬 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
豬鼻蛇屬 (學名: Heterodon)是 蛇亞目 新蛇科 下的一個屬,屬下的蛇種主要分布於 北美洲。 此屬的蛇最大特色是牠們的鼻端吻部位置是微微向上崛起的,而且牠們在面臨威脅時也有著相當特殊的表現。 目前豬鼻蛇屬下有三個品種已被確認。 [2] 成年的豬鼻蛇約有30至60 公分 長,身型壯健, 頭部 亦特別大,與 頸部 的分界相當明顯。 豬鼻蛇的頸部是可以擴張的,後方的肋骨能令整個身體壓得扁平,形態上是與 眼鏡蛇 相似的。 尾巴 短小,而且有兩片肛鱗。 [1] 因應品種的不 …
ADW: Heterodon nasicus: INFORMATION
The geographic range of western hognose snakes, Heterodon nasicus, extends from southern Canada to northern Mexico. Its range is bordered to the west by Colorado and Wyoming, and in the east by Illinois.
猪鼻蛇(Hognose Snake)简介&饲养殖南 - 百度贴吧
Normal - Hognose Snake Traits - Morphpedia - MorphMarket
The Western Hognose Snake (Heterodon nasicus) is a species of rear fanged venomous snake in the family Colubridae. The species is endemic to North America.
西部猪鼻蛇 - 百度百科
西部猪鼻蛇(Heterodon nasicus nasicus)是一种产于北美洲的小型黄颌蛇。“Heterodon”的意思为“变异的牙齿”;“nasicus”则意谓“鼻子”。顾名思意,西部猪鼻蛇是一种有着后沟牙和一个可笑(向上翘的)鼻子 (口鼻部)的蛇。
Western Hog-nosed Snake - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Heterodon nasicus. Western Hog-nosed Snake. View Profile. overview characteristics geography timeline information & media contact. Overview. Scientific Name. Heterodon nasicus. Common Name. Western Hog-nosed Snake. Western Hognose Snake. Plains Hognose Snake. Plains Hog-nosed Snake. Kingdom. Animalia. Location in Taxonomic Tree . Genus.
Western Hognose Snake - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on
The Western hognose snake (Heterodon nasicus) is a rear-fanged nonvenomous snake native to North America. These snakes get their common name, "hognose", from the modified rostral (nose) scale that is formed in an upturned manner, providing a very "hog-like" look.
Western Hognose Snake Facts, Description, and Pictures
2024年4月25日 · It is a relatively smaller snake with a stout body, typically growing 1.5-2 feet in length. Males usually don’t grow longer than 2 feet, but the females can sometimes be up to 3 feet long. The colors vary significantly between the three subspecies. The base color ranges from tan, gray, brown, or reddish-brown.
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