NATO 2022 Strategic Concept (in English, French and other …
2023年3月3日 · The 2022 Strategic Concept describes the security environment facing the Alliance, reaffirms its values, and spells out NATO’s key purpose of ensuring collective defence for its Allies. It further sets out NATO’s three core tasks of deterrence and defence; crisis prevention and management; and cooperative security.
NATO - The Secretary General’s Annual Report 2022, 21-Mar.-2023
The 2022 NATO Strategic Concept delivered a clear strategic vision for NATO's resilience in a contested and unpredictable international security environment. Allies committed to strengthening their capacity to prepare for, resist, respond to and …
NATO - News: 2022 NATO Summit, 28-Jun.-2022
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Thursday (30 June 2022) said NATO leaders signed off on key decisions, including a fundamental strengthening of NATO’s deterrence and defence, an invitation to Finland and Sweden to join NATO and long-term support to Ukraine.
What is NATO?
The 2022 Strategic Concept reaffirms that NATO's key purpose is to ensure the collective defence of its members, based on a 360-degree approach, and outlines three core tasks – deterrence and defence, crisis prevention and management, and cooperative security.
The fundamental purpose of NATO’s nuclear capability is to preserve peace, prevent coercion and deter aggression. As long as nuclear weapons exist, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance. NATO’s goal is a safer world for all; we seek to create the security environment for a world without nuclear weapons.
NATO - News: NATO agrees new Strategic Concept, strengthened …
2022年6月29日 · NATO leaders took far-reaching decisions to continue adapting the Alliance in the first working session at the Madrid Summit on Wednesday (29 June 2022). Allies endorsed NATO's new Strategic Concept, the blueprint for the Alliance in a more dangerous and competitive world.
NATO - News: NATO leaders approve new Strategic Concept, 29 …
2022年6月29日 · NATO Heads of State and Government meeting in Madrid on Wednesday (29 June 2022) approved a new Strategic Concept for the Alliance, setting out the Alliance’s priorities, core tasks and approaches for the next decade.
NATO - Topic: Strategic Concepts
2022年7月18日 · The current Strategic Concept (2022) reaffirms that NATO’s key purpose is to ensure the collective defence of its members, based on a 360-degree approach, and outlines three essential core tasks – deterrence and defence, crisis prevention and management, and cooperative security.
NATO Agrees new Strategic Concept, Strengthened Deterrence …
2022年6月30日 · Explore NATO's agreement on a new strategic concept, emphasizing strengthened deterrence and defense capabilities, increased support for Ukraine, and extending invitations to Finland and Sweden for further cooperation and partnership.
NATO - Official text: Madrid Summit Declaration issued by NATO …
2022年6月29日 · NATO will continue to protect our populations and defend every inch of Allied territory at all times. We will build on our newly enhanced posture, and significantly strengthen our deterrence and defence for the long term to ensure the security and defence of all Allies.