Nauli (Abdominal Massaging) - World Yoga Forum
Nauli stimulates and purifies manipura chakra, the store house of prana. It helps to increase mental clarity and power by harmonizing the energy flows in the body. Practice note while doing Nauli – Abdominal Massaging . Madhyama nauli should be perfected before proceeding to varna or dakshina nauli.
Agnisara Kriya (Activating The Digestive Fire) - World Yoga Forum
It is also used as a preparatory practice for uddiyana bandha and nauli. Note The words agni and vahni both mean ‘fire’; sara means ‘essence’, and kriya means ‘action’ The essence or nature of fire is attributed to the digestive process.
Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal Contraction) - World Yoga Forum
Uddiyana Bandha - Abdominal Contraction In Yoga, How to do Uddiyana Bandha - Abdominal Contraction In Yoga, Benefits, Precautions
Vastra Dhauti (Cloth Cleansing) - World Yoga Forum
It is necessary to become proficient in nauli before practising vastra dhauti. Time of practice. This practice should be performed in the morning before any food or drink are taken. The stomach must be completely empty before commencing. Precautions while doing Vastra Dhauti – Cloth Cleansing. Do not talk while practising.
Pranayama - Types of Pranayama, Benefits, Preparatory Practices
A comprehensive guide on Pranayama (breath control) for beginners including types of Pranayama, benefits, prana meaning, the pranic body.
Trataka (Concentrated Gazing) - World Yoga Forum
Trataka (concentrated gazing) is a cleansing practice that focuses on making the eyes clear and bright. It balances the nervous system, relieving nervous tension.
Bandha in Yoga - A Comprehensive Guide - World Yoga Forum
Bandha in Yoga – Summary. Bandha means to ‘hold’, ‘tighten’ or ‘lock’ Traditionally, bandhas were classified as part of mudras
Kapalbhati Pranayama - How to do it correctly explained by Experts
Kapalbhati Pranayama - Frontal Brain Cleansing Breath, How to do Kapalbhati Pranayama - Frontal Brain Cleansing Breath, Benefits, Precautions
Shatkarmas - A Comprehensive Guide - World Yoga Forum
Nauli: A method of massaging and strengthening the abdominal organs. Basti: Techniques for washing and toning the large intestine. Kapalbhati: A breathing technique for purifying the frontal region of the brain. Trataka: The practice of intense gazing at one point or object which develops the power of concentration. Note
Vatayanasana - Flying Horse Pose In Yoga - World Yoga Forum
Vatayanasana (flying horse pose in yoga) is a part of the Balancing yoga poses mentioned in the book “Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha” by Swami Satyananda Saraswati that focuses strengthening the body and increasing brain functionality.