s1mple - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
Widely considered as one of the greatest and most accomplished CS:GO players of all time, he has won 21 HLTV MVP medals, a Major and an Intel Grand Slam trophy, among other …
s1mple - 百度百科
s1mple,本名Олександр Олегович Костилєв,乌克兰csgo职业选手,1997年10月2日生于乌克兰,曾效力于HellRaisers,FlipSid3,Team Liquid等俱乐部,现效力于Natus Vincere战队。 …
S1mple - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
亞歷山大·奧列戈維奇·科斯特列耶夫 (烏克蘭語: Олександр Олегович Костильєв,英語: Oleksandr Olegovich Kostyliev;1997年10月2日 —),較廣為人知的是其遊戲代號 s1mple, …
s1mple - Wikipedia
Oleksandr Olehovych Kostyliev[c] (born 2 October 1997), better known as s1mple, is a Ukrainian professional Counter-Strike 2 player for Natus Vincere. [2] . He is considered to be one of the …
Oleksandr 's1mple' Kostyliev's Counter-Strike Player Profile
Oleksandr Kostyliev known as s1mple, is a 27 year old Counter-Strike player from Ukraine, currently benched for Natus Vincere.
s1mple CS2 Settings, Crosshair & Config - ProSettings.net
2025年3月18日 · Natus Vincere s1mple settings and setup, including CFG, crosshair, viewmodel, sensitivity and more. Always updated for CS2.
s1mple - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
s1mple (本名: 奥列克桑德·科斯特列夫,俄化: 亚历山大·科斯特列夫)是一名乌克兰职业《反恐精英2》选手,于2013年至今活跃。 现为队伍 Natus Vincere 不活跃成员,以狙击手身份作 …
s1mple (Kostyliev Sasha) - NAVI - Natus Vincere
2025年3月18日 · s1mple is the biggest star of the CS:GO worldwide scene. He joined NAVI in 2016 and since then, has won more than 10 tournaments, including the PGL Major Stockholm …
【斯德哥尔摩Major】新王NaVi登基!三进决赛s1mple终圆梦 - 武 …
2021年11月8日 · 决赛NaVi战胜G2,夺得斯德哥尔摩Major冠军! s1mple荣膺MVP,在瑞典终圆梦。 本届Major,NaVi一场未输,无愧天生赢家! 【Major决赛日表演赛】 在凌晨1:00率先进行 …
S1mple于2016年8月4日正式加盟乌克兰本土俱乐部NAVI,在此之前他效力的是远在大洋彼岸的Lqiuid,而在加入NAVI的6年时间中,S1mple与团队拿下了斯德哥尔摩MAJOR、英特尔大满 …