Strongly enhanced charge-density-wave order in monolayer NbSe2 …
2015年7月20日 · Enhanced electron–phonon interactions in mono- and few-layer NbSe2 result in a significantly increased transition temperature of charge density waves compared with values in the bulk.
Emergence of coherence in the charge-density wave state of 2H-NbSe2 …
2015年2月17日 · Here we investigate, using photoemission, X-ray scattering and scanning tunnelling microscopy, the canonical CDW compound 2H-NbSe2 intercalated with Mn and Co, and show that the conventional...
Atomic-scale visualization of chiral charge density wave ... - Nature
2022年4月5日 · In this study, we characterize the chirality switching with atom-resolution imaging in a single-layer NbSe 2 CDW superlattice by the technique of scanning tunneling microscopy. The atomic...
Unveiling Charge-Density Wave, Superconductivity, and Their Competitive ...
2018年4月13日 · Using first-principles calculations, we identify the ground state 3 × 3 CDW atomic structure of monolayer NbSe 2, which is characterized by the formation of triangular Nb clusters and shows a scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) image and Raman CDW modes in good agreement with experiments.
Unveiling CDW, Superconductivity, and Their Competitive Nature …
Using first-principles calculations, we identify the ground state 3 × 3 CDW atomic structure of monolayer NbSe2, which is characterized by the formation of triangular Nb clusters and shows a scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) image and Raman …
Electronic structure of 2H-NbSe2 single-layers in the CDW state ...
2016年9月16日 · In this work, we report first-principles density functional theory (DFT) results which provide a comprehensive description of the electronic structure of this system, bring some light into the long-debated mechanism of the CDW, report in depth calculations of the DOS near the Fermi level to discuss the surprising quasi-band gap feature reported ...
Visualizing the Charge Density Wave Transition in 2H-NbSe2 …
2013年7月8日 · We report the direct observation in real space of the charge density wave (CDW) phase transition in pristine 2H-NbSe2 using atomic-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). We find that static CDW order is established in nanoscale regions in the vicinity of defects at temperatures that are several times the bulk transition temperature Tcdw.
Topological Landscape of Competing Charge Density Waves in
2019年1月9日 · We discover that the CDW of $2H\text {\ensuremath {-}} {\mathrm {NbSe}}_ {2}$ is composed of two different, energetically competing, structures. The lateral heterostructures of two CDWs are entangled as topological excitations, which give rise to a CDW phase shift and the incommensuration without a conventional domain wall.
【凝聚态物理】cdw为什么重要? - 知乎
之前大家说CDW与超导是不共存的,超导相是没有CDW的,有CDW序的又不超导,后来做表面表征的人在单层二硒化铌NbSe2上直接看到3×3的CDW,并且同时测得超导gap。 直接GG。 但目前做块体超导材料一般还是会认为超导与CDW是竞争关系。 这应该来自大量的实验观测经验。
Weak dimensionality dependence of charge density wave …
2023年10月10日 · The effect of dimensionality on charge density wave (CDW) transition temperature (T CDW) in 2H-NbSe 2 is still under debate. Raman measurements uncovered highly enhanced T CDW for few-layer samples, while scanning tunneling microscopy results suggest comparable value of bulk crystals.
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