High-quality monolayer superconductor NbSe2 grown by …
2017年8月30日 · Atomic-resolution scanning transmission electron microscope imaging reveals the atomic structure of the intrinsic point defects and grain boundaries in monolayer NbSe 2, and confirms the low...
Ising pairing in superconducting NbSe2 atomic layers - Nature
2015年11月9日 · In this work, we demonstrate very high in-plane upper critical fields induced by spin–momentum locking in superconducting monolayers of group-V TMD niobium diselenide (NbSe 2). This was achieved...
一个月两篇Nature子刊,PPMS助力NbSe2超导特性新研究! - 知乎
NbSe2材料减薄到单层极限时,可以获得二维Ising超导性,虽然面内上临界场显著提升,但超导转变温度却有所下降,仅有0.9-3.7K,也就是说单层NbSe2 Ising超导性的获得是以牺牲其他重要性质为代价的。
NbSe2 Crystals Growth by Bromine Transport - MDPI
2023年5月18日 · Here, an alternative concept of NbSe2 crystal growth by the chemical vapor transport (CVT) technique using bromine as a vapor transport agent is presented and subsequently analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectroscopy.
Local control of superconductivity in a NbSe2/CrSBr van der Waals ...
2023年11月9日 · By exploiting a magnetic field-induced transition in CrSBr from a state with zero magnetization to a state with finite magnetization, we can achieve controllable and reversible suppression of the...
Monolayer 1T-NbSe2 as a 2D-correlated magnetic insulator
2021年11月19日 · Monolayer group V transition metal dichalcogenides in their 1T phase have recently emerged as a platform to investigate rich phases of matter, such as spin liquid and ferromagnetism, resulting from strong electron correlations.
Transport properties of few-layer NbSe2: From electronic …
2022年10月1日 · In this paper, we conduct a study on a few-layer Nb 1+x Se 2 grown by MBE on SiO 2/Si substrates. A single crystal bulk 2H–NbSe2 sample grown by chemical vapor transport (CVT) was used as a reference. The MBE-grown material was characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and STM.
揭开 NbSe2 单晶的面纱:第一性原理见解、光学性质、合成和 X
使用化学气相传输(CVT)技术合成二硒化铌(NbSe)晶体。 密度泛函理论(DFT)计算采用广义梯度近似(GGA)方法。 利用 Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) 赝势函数来强调 NbSe 六方 P6/mmc 对称结构晶相的结构、电学、弹性常数和光学特性。 此外,态密度 (DOS) 显示,在费米能级,Nb (3d) 态占主导地位,Se (5p) 和 Se (5 s) 态发挥次要作用。 能带结构证实了晶体的金 属性质,显示出导带和价带之间的重叠。
垂直堆叠的NbSe <sub>2-</sub>石墨烯-NbSe <sub>2</sub
层状二维超导材料2H-NbSe 2用于构建范德华异质结构,其中可以在界面材料中感应出邻近耦合的超导顺序。 垂直堆叠的NbSe 2-石墨烯-NbSe 2是使用范德华层间耦合制造的,可产生无缺陷且具有高界面透明度的触点。 原子薄的石墨烯层允许在两个NbSe 2薄片之间形成高度相干的接近约瑟夫森耦合。 结临界电流的温度依赖性(I c)揭示了与理论预测相符的短而弹道的约瑟夫森耦合特征。 强大的约瑟夫森耦合可以通过1.6×10 4 A / cm 2的大结点临界电流密度,差分电导的亚隙结 …
2H-phase niobium diselenide (2H-NbSe2) is a superconducting vdW (Van der Waals) crystal with ch. rge density wave (CDW) and Weyl semimetal properties. It has a sup. rconducting critical temperature of ~7.8K and charge . si. y wave behavior at ~ has layered structure (lamellar) with weak interlayer coupl.
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