Norton Commander 5.x - WinWorld
Norton Commander is a MS-DOS based file shell that was widely popular due to it's two column design. You could easily copy and move files between one folder or another, execute DOS commands and more. It competed against many other file managers including Gazelle Q …
Norton Commander 5.0 : Symantec - Archive.org
2020年12月10日 · Norton Commander is a popular text-based DOS shell with graphical controls and file viewers, shortly it is a visual DOS file manager. You can control it using your keyboard and mouse.
Norton Commander for DOS international versions - BetaArchive
2006年8月19日 · This article mentions a beta of NC2.0 for Windows and NC5.5 for DOS being available for free from the European website of Symantec. It also mentions that a localized beta of NC2.0 for Windows was to be made available in November 1998.
MS-DOS Application: DOS Shell : Free Download, Borrow, and …
2015年1月14日 · DOS Shell is a file manager, debuted in MS-DOS and IBM PC DOS v4.0 (June 1988). It was discontinued in MS-DOS v6.0, but remained part of the "Supplemental Disk" until v6.22 (the last independent retail version of MS-DOS).
Norton Commander - Wikipedia
Norton Commander (NC) is a discontinued prototypical orthodox file manager (OFM), written by John Socha and released by Peter Norton Computing (later acquired in 1990 by the Symantec corporation). NC provides a text-based user interface for managing files on top of MS-DOS. It was officially produced between 1986 and 1998.
Norton Commander 5.0 Download - nc.exe - Software Informer
2022年11月23日 · Norton Commander version 5.0 by Symantec Corporation. Versions: 5.5, 5.0, 2.1, 2.0, 1.1 and 1.0. File name: nc.exe.
[下载] nc5.5英文版安装文件 - DOS软件下载 & 游戏分享 (下载室) - 中国DOS联盟论坛 - 中国DOS联盟之联合DOS …
2003年9月19日 · 联盟域名:www.cn-dos.net 论坛域名:www.cn-dos.net/forum DOS,代表着自由开放与发展,我们努力起来,学习FreeDOS和Linux的自由开放与GNU精神,共同创造和发展美好的自由与GNU GPL世界吧!
Norton Commander 4.x and 5.0: a few questions - VOGONS
2018年5月13日 · I haven't experienced any troubles with NC 4/5/5.5 on any machines. No file corruption, no crashes at F3... It looks like a hardware problem or software incompatibility. Try to start DOS in safe mode (via F8 on "Starting MS-DOS..." label) and run NC Viewer again.
nc5.5可以分割却不能合并?!! - DOS疑难解答 & 问题讨论 (解答室) - 中国DOS联盟论坛 - 中国DOS联盟之联合DOS …
nc5.5就是在新dos时代下载的。 2004-3-21 00:00 请注意: 您目前尚未注册或登录,请您 注册 或 登录 以使用论坛的各项功能,例如发表和回复帖子等。
The Doszip Commander download | SourceForge.net
2025年1月14日 · The Doszip Commander is an LFN-aware TUI file manager (NC clone) with built-in Zip and UnZip for DOS and Windows. It’s no secret — passwords can be a real headache, both for the people who use them and the people who manage them. Over time, we’ve created hundreds of passwords, it’s easy to lose track of them and they’re easily compromised.