National Chemical Laboratory - NCL
NCIM has the expertise in the isolation of industrially important strains needed for development of microbial-based technologies. We undertake contract research in this area. Consultancy services include sequencing services, antimicrobial susceptibiity testing, enzyme related projects etc.
National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms (NCIM)
National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms (NCIM) is a national facility and microbial culture repository dedicated to isolation, preservation and distribution of authentic and industrially important microbial strains. Established in 1951, the NCIM is one of the oldest biological resource centers holding especially industrially important ...
NCIM Online Catalogue - National Chemical Laboratory
NCIM Online Catalogue Please refer online catalogue for search by category, applications etc. The NCIM catalogue does not claim to be a standard work of up-to-date nomenclature. It is compiled for the convenience of the microbiologists who want to use our cultures. The species names used in the catalogue are, as far as possible brought up-to-date.
National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms (NCIM)
2024年9月1日 · National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms (NCIM), CSIR- National Chemical Laboratory Pune 411 008, Maharashtra INDIA Telephone : 91-20- 2590 2670/2454 Fax : 91-20-25902671 Working Hours: Monday to Friday : 10 AM- 5 PM (except Sat and Sun and National holidays) E-mail : [email protected].
National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms - Wikipedia
The National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms (NCIM) is an Indian Government organized microbial culture repository located in NCL, Pune, in western India. It is basically a non-profit organization which serves as a repository for isolation, preservation and distribution of industrially important cultures based on scientifically ...
CSIR - National Chemical Laboratory - NCL
NCIM holds about 3700 microbial strains of bacteria (1800), yeast (550), fungi (1300) and algae (10). The main objective of the facility is to supply authentic cultures to research institutes and industries.
National Chemical Laboratory - NCL
This facility is a pioneer microbial culture collection facility in India which offers services to educational, research institutes and industries. It holds about 3700 microbial strains of bacteria (1800), yeast (550), fungi (1300) and algae (15). The major goal of this facility is preservation of the microbial strains by a variety of methods.
National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms (NCIM)
National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms (NCIM) Overview; About NCIM; People; Catalogue; Services; Fee Structure; Contact; Contact. National Collection of ... Pune 411008, India. ई-मेल: Show Email. दूरभाष: +91-20-2590 2454/2670. फैक्स: +91-20-2590 2671
National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms (NCIM)
National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms (NCIM), CSIR- National Chemical Laboratory Pune 411 008, Maharashtra INDIA Telephone : 91-20- 2590 2670/2454 Fax : 91-20-25902671 Working Hours: Monday to Friday : 10 AM- 5 PM (except Sat and Sun and National holidays) E-mail : [email protected].
National Chemical Laboratory - Wikipedia
The National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) is an Indian government laboratory based in Pune, in western India. Popularly known as NCL, a constituent member of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) India, it was established in 1950. Dr Ashish Lele is the Director of NCL and took charge on 1 April 2021. [1] .