National Basketball Association - Wikipedia
The National Basketball Association (NBA) is a professional basketball league in North America composed of 30 teams (29 in the United States and 1 in Canada). The NBA is one of the major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada and is considered the premier professional basketball league in the world. [3] .
N-Nitrosodibutylamine | C8H18N2O | CID 13542 - PubChem
N-Nitrosodi- ( (1-14)C) butylamine (NDBA) has been shown to undergo a high first-pass metabolism in isolated perfused rat small intestinal segments. Metabolites resulting from omega-hydroxylation of NDBA, the bladder carcinogens N-nitrosobutyl- (4-hydroxybutyl)amine (NB4HBA) and N-nitrosobutyl- (3-carboxypropyl)-amine (NB3CPA), accounted for ...
NBA - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
國家籃球協會 (英語: National Basketball Association, 缩写: NBA,也称 美国职业篮球联赛,简称 美国职篮 或 美职篮)是 北美 的男子 職業籃球 聯盟,由30支球隊組成(29支在美國以及1支在加拿大),分属两个联盟(Conference): 东部联盟 和 西部联盟;而每个联盟各由三个赛区(Division)组成,每个 ...
2024 NBA draft - Wikipedia
Unlike recent years, the 2024 draft took place over two nights. This was the first NBA draft to be held on multiple nights since the draft was shortened to two rounds, with earlier drafts consisting of as few as three or as many as twenty-one rounds prior to the current format's debut in 1989.
NBA - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書
NBA (英文全名係 N ational B asketball A ssociation,譯名係 國家籃球協會),係 美國 同 加拿大 嘅 籃球 聯盟。 NBA有好多勁嘅籃球球員,重比其他職業籃球比賽有高啲嘅比賽水準。 好多嚟自世界各地嘅傑出籃球員都希望加入 NBA 嘅球隊,從而一舉成名。 NBA 嘅圖案其實係前 洛杉磯湖人 球員 謝利韋斯 嘅側影。 另外,而家 NBA 嘅總裁係 亞當蕭華。 註:(*)係解嗰隊改過名。
NBA - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
2025年2月25日 · 國家籃球協會 (英語: National Basketball Association, 縮寫: NBA,也稱 美國職業籃球聯賽,簡稱 美國職籃 或 美職籃)是 北美 的男子 職業籃球 聯盟,由30支球隊組成(29支在美國以及1支在加拿大),分屬兩個聯盟(Conference): 東區聯盟 和 西區聯盟;而每個聯盟各由三個分組(Division)組成,每個分組有五支球隊。 NBA是 北美四大職業體育聯賽 之一,並被視為全世界水準最高的男子職業籃球賽事 [2]。 NBA前身是1946年6月6日於 紐約 成立 …
Ndaba Mhlongo - Wikipedia
Ndaba Walter Mhlongo (3 July 1933 – 29 October 1989) [1] was a South African actor and choreographer best known for his role of Mshefane in the 1977 production Inyakanyaka. Ndaba is widely regarded as one of South Africa's most prominent comedians. Joe Mafela, himself an established comedian, described Ndaba's comedy as effortless.
924-16-3 N-亚硝基二正丁胺 cas号924-16-3分子式、结构式 …
2022年11月29日 · N-Nitrosodibutylamine; has an avg recovery of 84.7% at 4-17 ppb and a precision of 0.5-2.3.外观:N-nitrosodi-n-butylamine is a pale yellow liquid.存储:库房通风低温干燥致癌性:N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals.化学性质:N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamin...
National Basketball Association - Simple English Wikipedia, the …
The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the world's top men's professional basketball league. It is one of the major professional sports leagues of North America. There are 30 teams in the league. 29 are in the United States and 1 is in Canada. It is …
N-亚硝基-n-丁胺 analytical standard | Sigma-Aldrich
N-亚硝基-n-丁胺 analytical standard; CAS Number: 924-16-3; EC Number: 213-101-1; Synonyms: N-亚硝基二丁胺,NDBA,二丁基亚硝胺 at Sigma-Aldrich