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Cryo-EM structure of the NDH–PSI–LHCI supercomplex from
2025年1月24日 · We report the cryo-electron microscopy structure of the NDH supercomplex in Spinacia oleracea at a resolution of 3.0–3.3 Å. The supercomplex consists of 41 protein subunits, 154 chlorophylls and 38...
Structure and biogenesis of the chloroplast NAD(P)H dehydrogenase ...
2011年8月1日 · In this work, NdhA was co-purified with NdhH–NdhK, suggesting an interaction between NdhA and the hydrophilic domain. Novel subunits of NdhM, NdhN and NdhO were also identified in the complex, but they do not have any known domains suggesting their involvement in electron donor-binding.
Structural basis for electron transport mechanism of complex I …
2020年1月30日 · NDH-1L couples the electron transport from ferredoxin (Fd) to plastoquinone (PQ) and proton pumping from cytoplasm to the lumen that drives the ATP production. NDH-1L-dependent CEF increases...
Structure of the complex I-like molecule NDH of oxygenic …
2019年2月11日 · Our maps reveal the structure and arrangement of the principal OPS subunits in the NDH complex, as well as an unexpected cofactor close to the plastoquinone-binding site in the peripheral arm. The...
NdhM Subunit Is Required for the Stability and the Function of …
Similar to the ΔndhM mutant, the 100-kDa complex containing NdhH and NdhM and the 140-kDa complex containing NdhM were undetectable in the absence of NdhK, indicating that the NdhK is important for NdhH and NdhM assembly into the NDH-1 complex in the membrane; however, free NdhM was stable in the ΔndhK mutant (Fig. 4B).
Healthcare intelligence and quality improvement services - CHKS
CHKS is a leading provider of healthcare intelligence and quality improvement services. Since 1989 we have been developing solutions for healthcare organisations in over 20 countries and have worked with over 400 clients across Europe. Clinically code more than 350,000 episodes of patient care annually.
Healthcare Accreditation | JCI | CHKS | HCI
With extensive expertise and a proven 100% success rate, HCI empowers healthcare organisations to achieve and maintain accreditation with globally recognised standards like JCI and CHKS. Our comprehensive services range from conducting the initial Gap Analysis, to identifying and supporting the implementation of Quality Improvement Plans.
Structure and Physiological Function of NDH-1 Complexes in ...
2011年1月1日 · In this chapter we will present a critical overview of the structure and function of cyanobacterial NDH-1 complexes. The types of carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM) found in a cyanobacterial cell.
ND Health Hub - Autism and ADHD Healthcare for Adults in …
We specialise in providing health care to neurodivergent individuals, at your home, over the phone or video calls. We support individuals that have autism, ADHD or are AuDHD’er. Those that were late diagnosed, are high masking, or lack representation in marginalised groups.