Island of Solta - Necujam
Many consider Nečujam the most beautiful bay of the island of Šolta. It comprises eight coves: Bok Supetra, Šumpjivina, Podkamenica, Maslinica, Tiha, Bok od rata, Piškera and Supetar. The construction of contemporary weekend houses and a tourist resort has turned Nečujam into a modern tourist destination; however, one thing has remained ...
Nečujam – Wikipedija
Nečujam je po mnogima najljepša uvala otoka Šolte. Zapravo je to niz uvala. Ukupno su duge 1,8 km i široke do 1,2 km. Nečujam se nalazi na sjevernoj strani otoka, a od Splita ga dijeli nepunih 9 milja prekrasno plavog Jadrana. Izgradnjom modernih vikend kuća i turističkog naselja Nečujam postaje moderno turističko mjesto.
Nečujam - Wikipedia
Nečujam is a bay and village on the island of Šolta in Croatia in the Split-Dalmatia County. It is connected by the D111 highway. Nečujam has 171 inhabitants.
Otok Šolta - Nečujam
Nečujam je po mnogima najljepša uvala otoka Šolte sačinjena od ukupno osam draga: Bok Supetra, Šumpjivina, Podkamenica, Maslinica, Tiha, Bok od rata, Piškera i Supetar. Izgradnjom modernih vikendica i turističkog naselja, Nečujam postaje moderno turističko mjesto, no jedna stvar kroz stoljeća ostaje nepromijenjena, a to je naziv samog ...
Nečujam – The Largest Bay Of Šolta Island | SailingEurope Blog
Situated approximately in the central part of the northeastern shore of the Croatian island of Šolta, Nečujam is the largest bay on the island. It spreads deep into the island and branches into six or seven smaller coves.
Necujam, Croatia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2025 ... - Tripadvisor
Necujam Tourism: Tripadvisor has 231 reviews of Necujam Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Necujam resource.
Nečujam - Hrvatska enciklopedija
Nečujam, selo i lučica na obali istoimene uvale, na sjeveroistočnoj obali otoka Šolte; 286 st. (2021). Crkvica sv. Marije (1928); ruševine gotičke crkvice sv. Petra (XV–XVI. st.). Nalazi iz rimskoga doba (nekropola, vile, zidine, keramika, novac).
Croatia.hr | Nečujam plaža
Nečujam – u uvali, dovoljno velikoj da skriva osam manjih, možete se izgubiti od vreve i pronaći mir. Home. Where to go. Croatia offers endless activities options during your holiday. You name it, we’ve got it – from sightseeing, exploring natural beauties, participating in sports activities to enjoying the sea. ...
Nečujam, Croatia - Beach Guide, Info, Photos - BeachAtlas
Nečujam Beach, situated on the island of Šolta in Croatia, occupies the cove as the largest beach on the island. It boasts a covering of white pebbles and is named after the famous tourist destination town of Nečujam. Visitors can conveniently …
Želite posjetiti Nečujam - otok Šolta? | Turistički vodič - Adriagate
Nečujam jeturističko naselje i izletište u istoimenoj uvali na sjevernoj obali otoka Šolte. Na obali se nalaze turističko naselje, odmarališta, brojne kuće za odmor s malim šljunčanim i stjenovitim plažama. Mjesto Nečujam pruža mogućnosti kako za miran obiteljski odmor, tako i mogućnost zabave za mlade.