Near East - Wikipedia
The Near East (Arabic: الشرق الأدنى) is a transcontinental region around the Eastern Mediterranean broadly synonymous with the modern Middle East, encompassing the historical Fertile Crescent, the Levant, Anatolia, Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Iranian …
近东 - 百度百科
“近东”(the Near East),一个政治地理术语,一般是相对中东、 远东 地区而言的概念,指距离西欧较近的 国家和地区 ,过去主要指欧洲的 巴尔干 国家、亚洲的 地中海 沿岸国家和东地中海岛国 塞浦路斯 。
Near East - World History Encyclopedia
2022年10月23日 · The Near East is a modern-age term for the region formerly known as the Middle East comprising Armenia, Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and part of Turkey, corresponding to ancient Urartu, Mesopotamia, Elam, Persia, the Levant, and Anatolia.
Are the Middle East and the Near East the Same Thing?
What do you call the region that encompasses southwestern Asia and northeastern Africa: the Middle East or the Near East? Middle East essentially supplanted Near East in the early 20th century, although the two are now used interchangeably among English speakers.
Where Is The Near East? - WorldAtlas
2017年8月1日 · The Near East is the geographical region corresponding to western Asia. In modern times, the term is used interchangeably with the more common "Middle East". Sometimes, the Middle East and the Near East may include the same or different territories due to lack of a standard definition. The use of the term Near East began in the 19th century ...
Near East | Middle East, Levant & Anatolia | Britannica
2025年1月20日 · Near East, usually the lands around the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, including northeastern Africa, southwestern Asia, and, occasionally, the Balkan Peninsula. The term Near East was used by the first modern Western geographers to refer to the nearer part of the Orient, a region roughly
Near East - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Near East is a large area of land in the eastern hemisphere. Countries of the eastern Mediterranean are part of the Near East. The name of the Near East comes from its position to the east of Europe and to the west of the Middle East and the Far East .
Ancient Near East - Wikipedia
The phrase "ancient Near East" denotes the 19th-century distinction between the Near and Far East as global regions of interest to the British Empire. The distinction began during the Crimean War .
Near East - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
9 小时之前 · Definitions vary between different academic areas, the term originally being applied to the maximum extent of the Ottoman Empire.Outside of historical studies, the term is generally deprecated in favour of Middle East.However, the term Near East or Ancient Near East is still commonly preferred when discussing the region in ancient times.
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