Global Market Access for Electrical Products Services | Nemko
Our people, laboratories and facilities provide a complete range of world-class services. As your technology partner, we can assist you with timely and cost-effective market access to more than 150 countries. With Nemko, you can integrate your approval services with testing and certification services (except India) in a one-stop-shop solution.
(NRTL) Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory - Nemko
For the US, Nemko operates under the Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory Program (NRTL) of the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and for Canada under the jurisdiction of the Provincial, Territorial and Municipal regulators requiring accreditation by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC).
Laboratory Test, Measuring Instruments Testing and Verification - Nemko
Nemko has extensive experience testing many kinds of measurement, laboratory, and industrial control equipment according to all relevant requirements. Our experienced technical experts and specialists are knowledgeable about existing and emerging standards.
Nemko (Norges Elektriske Materiellkontroll) 成立于1933年,最初是挪威国家商检局,负责为进入挪威市场的电气设备提供强制性的安全检测并签发N mark认证。 Nemko 使命 Nemko 通过提供高效的第三方符合性认证和市场准入服务,确保产品和系统的安全和可持续性。 随着挪威参与到欧盟CE标识方案中,Nemko转型为一个独立的第三方认证机构,同时很快拓展到新的领域,包括无线测试等。 不久Nemko成为北欧地区信任的品牌。 在过去几十年里,Nemko认识到持续扩展服 …
Nemko Norlab | En av Norges største laboratoriebedrifter.
Nemko Norlab er et av Norges største laboratorieselskaper. Våre forretningsområder inkluderer miljøovervåking, kjemiske analyser, mikrobiologi og veterinærmedisin. Vi tilbyr også prøveinnsamling og rådgivningstjenester
Nemko Norlab | Your chemical lab partner in Norway
We deliver a broad range of laboratory services to the construction and engineering industry, including environmental surveys, asbestos analyses, and monitoring of chemical spills.
SINTEF Norlab has joined the Nemko Group
2022年6月23日 · Nemko is a global organization that offers market access services to more than 150 countries, while SINTEF Norlab solely supports Norwegian customers today. The acquisition will strengthen the position of Nemko in the Norwegian home market and provide an opportunity for SINTEF Norlab to expand beyond Norwegian borders through Nemko’s ...
Nemko Locations: Find Testing & Certification Offices Near You
Find Nemko testing & certification location near you. With offices around the world,we offer local support & global expertise to help your business succeed.
Nemko - Wikipedia
Norges Elektriske Materiellkontroll (NEMKO) is a Norwegian private organization that supervises safety testing for electrical equipment manufacturing. The Nemko Group offers testing, inspection and certification services concerning products, machinery, installations and systems worldwide.
Nemko - LinkedIn
Our services include pre-compliance, international approval, product and system certifications as well as product testing. Through our offices, laboratories and extensive partner network in Asia,...