Placuit Deo on Neo-Palagianism and Neo-Gnosticism
2024年10月10日 · Depending on how one understands salvation, I read "neo-Pelagian" as something like Buddhism, Yoga and all the self-help approaches. "Neo-Gnosticism" seems to me to lack the sense of community and solidarity, the humility and appreciation for the goodness of creation. This letter identifies these as two common trends in the world today.
What is Charismatic Neo-Gnosticism and Why Should it Be Resisted?
2005年8月30日 · Still Gnosticism exists among us, finding resurgence in modern times as Neo-Gnosticism, which has infiltrated even the ranks of the Spirit-filled Charismatic Movement. By way of definition: Gnosticism is a blanket term for various religions and sects most prominent in the first few centuries A.D.
Neo-Gnosticism - Christian Forums
2015年4月16日 · Gnosticism was just starting to invade the church when John's letters were written. It came to full bore in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. I recognize many carryovers into modern christianity (of all stripes). I am not sure so-called hypergrace is any more so than other doctrines in christianity. Gnosticism started in greek mythology as "dualism."
How do intellectual beliefs or doctrines become spiritual
2024年6月19日 · What if they really embraced another spirituality eg. some sort of neo-gnosticism / New age spirituality and eventually was no longer a christian spiritually (can that happen?) How does one repent in that case if they really have embraced another spirituality?
What is Charismatic Neo-Gnosticism and Why Should it Be Resisted?
2005年8月30日 · In an attempt to increase the testosterone on this forum you are banned from using this word again. Signed, Arnold, Gubenor of Cow-lee-for-ea :sorry: I knew I was crossing the line too. Please forgive me. :o
Christianity and Jungianism | Christian Forums
2023年5月6日 · And I don't feel comfortable reading more of Kelsey. There are other writers though and I am not sure about them, eg. John A. Sanford (son of Agnes Sanford). The issue seems to be does their Jungianism overshadow their Christian faith. The main problem Leanne Payne had with Jung was the neo-gnosticism in his writings.
What is Charismatic Neo-Gnosticism and Why Should it Be Resisted?
2005年8月30日 · . . . I really do not care what they have to say because they have no concern for me.... that is not their motivation. They are just control freaks who have shown me no reason why I should care what they have to say. That is what makes a basher a basher. I wonder . . . would we consider Jesus...
What is Charismatic Neo-Gnosticism and Why Should it Be Resisted?
2005年8月30日 · I haven't seen this addressed yet, so I'll just throw this out there, 'cause it was the first thing that occured to me when I read th OP and apparently it's so totally obvious to everyone else but I don't get it: Didn't the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements both start out with these same...
I am so tired of Neo-Manichaeism - Christian Forums
2008年8月14日 · I'm tired of the treatment of marraige as some thaumaturgical ritual that makes sex between two Neo-Manichaeans OK, but the same act committed under the same conditions as Adam and Eve by a non-Neo-Manichaean is "adultery."
discerning between 'the flesh' and 'the Spirit' - Christian Forums
2008年4月24日 · Starting today August 7th, 2024, in order to post in the Married Couples, Courting Couples, or Singles forums, you will not be allowed to post if you have your Marital status designated as private.