Neofolk - Wikipedia
Neofolk, also known as apocalyptic folk, is a form of experimental music blending elements of folk and industrial music, which emerged in punk rock circles in the 1980s. Neofolk may either be …
新民謠 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
新民謠 (Neofolk)是一種由 民謠音樂 衍生而來的 實驗音樂,最初發端於 後工業音樂 (英語:Post-industrial music) 的音樂圈內。 [1] 新民謠可以僅包含民謠音樂的元素,亦可以包含傳 …
谈谈什么是新民谣?以及国内有没有新民谣? - 知乎专栏
2021年9月21日 · 一种音乐的生命力在于不断的发展,新民谣自上世纪八十年代诞生至今,也有自己的发展,并和“中世纪民谣(medieval folk)”、“新传统民谣(neo-traditional folk)”、“新古 …
死亡民谣 - 百度百科
死亡民谣 (Death Folk),也称为新民谣 (Neo Folk),该音乐形式起源于80年代。 一般认为该音乐风格的开创者为英国乐队Death in June(死于六月)。 此类音乐虽兼具民谣的形式和工业的元 …
流派:到底什么是“新民谣”? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
热爱音乐的人都知道,“新XX”是命名音乐流派的常见套路,除新民谣(Neofolk),还有 新浪潮 (New Wave),新古典(Neo-Classical),新金属(Nu Metal),等等。但凡一种新的音乐 …
Neofolk - Music genre - Rate Your Music
Neofolk AKA : Apocalyptic Folk • 4,099 releases Emerged in the mid-1980s from the Post-Industrial scene, with a dark, often martial atmosphere.
What is neofolk? : r/neofolk - Reddit
To me Neofolk, at its roots, is an experimental, post-punk offshoot, and bands like Death in June, Current 93, and Sol Invictus are pretty elemental in its creation and development (with maybe …
neofolk - darkwaveradio.net
2018年12月9日 · Neofolk, also known as post-industrial or apocalyptic folk, is a form of experimental music blending elements of folk and industrial music, which emerged in punk …
Neofolk Music - Discogs
Neofolk is a form of experimental music blending elements of folk and industrial music, which emerged in punk rock circles in the 1980s. Neofolk may either be solely acoustic or combine …
r/neofolk - Reddit
r/neofolk: The Reddit home for neofolk, folk-noir, apocalyptic folk and other post-industrial genres from the underground!