Difference between NETBIOS, host name and computer name?
netbios name is usually also john (but has stricter naming restrictions) on a domain your full computer name may be john.company.local for example. the company.local bit being the …
What is NetBIOS? Does Windows need its ports 137 and 138 open?
NetBIOS over TCP/IP is specified by RFC 1001 and RFC 1002. The Netbt.sys driver is a kernel -mode component that supports the TDI interface. Services such as workstation and server use …
When does one require NetBIOS? - Information Security Stack …
2020年1月30日 · NetBIOS is needed to join a domain and there are quite a few legacy apps that were designed around it and therefor need NetBIOS to function properly. Here is a short list …
networking - Difference between NetBIOS and SMB - Super User
3. What is the relationship between SMB and NetBIOS; are they seperate, does one rely upon the other? SMB does rely on NetBIOS for communication with devices that do not support direct …
windows - Find NetBIOS/WINS name of a IP - Super User
2017年11月9日 · How can I find the NetBIOS/WINS name of a PC. You can use nbtstat. Example: nbtstat -A x.x.x.x Syntax... By IP address. NBTSTAT -A IP_address [options] [interval] Key...-A …
NetBios lookup from command line/powershell in Vista
2011年2月15日 · View the netbios table per connection by executing the following on the command line or in powershell. Do mind that -A is case sensitive. -A resolves IP to name, -a …
Why does our network firewall drop netbios-ns packets?
Any decent firewall should have rules to implicitly deny NetBIOS towards the internet. Not doing that can result in situations like the well known Wannacry attack. Regarding the DNS servers, …
How are names resolved on modern local networks? - Super User
2018年9月20日 · I hear there's also an implementation from the OpenWrt community that simply calls itself "mDNS". Since Apple created this, Apple products focus on this, although Macs can …
Clear Windows 7 network computer names cache - Super User
You need to clear both the DNS and NetBIOS name caches. According to the Microsoft support article Microsoft TCP/IP Host Name Resolution Order both are used in Windows to cache …
windows - Find hostname from NetBIOS name - Super User
2010年10月10日 · Check out NBTScan.exe - a utility that will do a NetBIOS scan of your subnet and return the info including IP and MAC addresses: NBTscan is a program for scanning IP …