NetXD is a Third Party Service Provider (TPSP) for The Clearing House's (TCH) RTP ® network and the FedNow ® service. Schedule a conversation now
Overview | NetXD Programmable Ledger
NetXD XD Payments platform allows Financial Institutions (FIs) and Banks to process instant payments through the FedNow and TCH RTP networks. The platform facilitates seamless, …
Welcome to NetXD Programmable Ledger | NetXD Programmable …
NetXD Programmable Ledger For Financial Institutions. NetXD is a Web 3.0 financial platform that ensures end-to-end digital signing for every transaction, implemented on Layer 2 Chain armed …
Digital Signature | NetXD Programmable Ledger
Digital Key Pair Generation and Signature Process NetXD Programmable Ledger provides SDK (Sample code) for digital pair generation and payload signing. The below sequence diagrams …
Overview | NetXD Programmable Ledger
VISA B2B Connect platform is a payment solution that enables banks to process Cross Border Payments of their institutional client using VisaB2B Connect. The platform facilitates faster …
How to use the APIs | NetXD Programmable Ledger
The Originating bank can Create the Companies (Sender information) in the NetXD platform to enable validation of sender details even before they initiate a payment through Add Company …
Overview | NetXD Programmable Ledger
The API Reference included in this guide describes the endpoints of NetXD Platform APIs. All API requests are synchronous and responses are provided in real-time. By default, NetXD …
Transfer | NetXD Programmable Ledger
The Transfer API allows the originating bank to provide payment instructions to the Visa B2B Connect service, Via NetXD for further payment to the beneficiary bank.
Getting Started | NetXD Programmable Ledger
To receive API credential for the VISA B2B Connect, kindly contact [email protected] along with your details. Signature In order to call APIs for their corresponding service, each payload …
Login | NetXD Programmable Ledger
Sample value: "[email protected]" password. Mandatory. String. Password associated with the email Id. Sample value: "Abc@1234" deviceID. Mandatory. String. Id of device for which login …