NEUROD1 - Wikipedia
Neurogenic differentiation 1 (Neurod1), also called β2, [5] is a transcription factor of the NeuroD -type. It is encoded by the human gene NEUROD1. In mice, Neurod1 expression is first seen at embryonic day 12 (E12). [6]
NEUROD1 Gene - GeneCards | NDF1 Protein | NDF1 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · NEUROD1 (Neuronal Differentiation 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with NEUROD1 include Maturity-Onset Diabetes Of The Young, Type 6 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Among its related pathways are Regulation of beta-cell development and Hepatic ABC Transporters.
NEUROD1 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NEUROD1,(小鼠的同源蛋白質記爲NeuroD1)在人體內是NeuroD蛋白家族下的一個轉錄因子,由NEUROD1基因編碼。NEUROD1在神經系統發育中扮演重要角色,於發育中參與調控多種神經系細胞的分化過程 [5] [6] 。 證據表明NEUROD1與II型糖尿病的發生關係密切 [7] 。
NEUROD1 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
NEUROD1,(小鼠的同源蛋白质记为NeuroD1)在人体内是NeuroD蛋白家族下的一个转录因子,由NEUROD1基因编码。NEUROD1在神经系统发育中扮演重要角色,于发育中参与调控多种神经系细胞的分化过程 [5] [6] 。 证据表明NEUROD1与II型糖尿病的发生关系密切 [7] 。
突破性发现:NeuroD1 不能介导小胶质细胞-神经元重编程
2021年12月13日 · 2019 年,来自日本的 Kinichi Nakashima 研究团队发现通过慢病毒异源性表达 NeuroD1,可诱导小胶质细胞重编程为神经元。 然后,对胶质细胞进行转分化的可行性以及功能性存在争议,比如有对 NeuroD1 介导的星形胶质细胞-神经元重编程是否是实验假象的质疑。
NEUROD1 reinforces endocrine cell fate acquisition in ... - Nature
2023年9月9日 · Neurod1 deficiency altered the H3K27me3 histone modification pattern in promoter regions of differentially expressed genes, which resulted in gene regulatory network changes in the...
NEUROD1 neuronal differentiation 1 [ (human)] - National Center …
NeuroD1 regulates survival and migration of neuroendocrine lung carcinomas via signaling molecules TrkB and NCAM. The overexpression of NeuroD may contribute to the tumorogenesis and development of pancreatic carcinoma, and is closely correlated to the cancer cell proliferation, p53 signal pathway and neural invasion.
Neurod1 is essential for the survival and maturation of adult …
2009年8月23日 · We generated mice with an inducible stem cell–specific deletion of Neurod1, resulting in substantially fewer newborn neurons in the hippocampus and olfactory bulb. Thus, Neurod1 is...
NEUROD1: transcriptional and epigenetic regulator of human and …
NEUROD1 (Neurogenic differentiation factor 1) is a transcription factor that plays crucial roles in both the nervous system and the pancreas. Initially characterized for its ability to convert nonneural ectodermal cells into neurons in Xenopus embryos (Lee et al., 1995).
NEUROD1:人类和小鼠神经元和内分泌细胞谱系程序的转录和表 …
neurod1 就是这样的因子之一,它与表观遗传景观的重新编程有关,并可能具有先驱因子的能力,启动神经元发育程序,并强制胰腺内分泌分化。 该综述旨在巩固目前关于 NEUROD1 在人类和小鼠细胞分化和重编程中的多方面作用和机制途径的知识,探索 NEUROD1 在指导 ...