Uber stolen by California woman on way to Austin airport: affidavit
2023年12月13日 · Neusha Afkami is charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. (Austin Police Department) Officers working at the airport got the information, and found the Uber driver's car abandoned in...
Woman accused of stealing Uber driver's vehicle, credit card
2023年12月12日 · Neusha Alexandra Afkami was arrested in Austin, Texas, on charges of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and credit card abuse after allegedly stealing an Uber driver's car and making unauthorized purchases with the driver's credit card.
Woman allegedly stole Uber driver's car during slow ride - Law
2023年12月14日 · Neusha Afkami, 27, stands accused of one count each of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and credit or debit card abuse, according to Travis County court records reviewed by Law&Crime. Both alleged counts against the defendant are considered “state jail felonies” in Texas and carry sentences of up to two years in jail.
2023年12月15日 · 该女子是27岁的(Neusha Afkami)阿夫卡米在酒店叫车,搭乘Uber前往机场。 然而,在途中,她突然将司机的手机扔出车外,导致司机被迫停车。 甚至在司机下车寻找手机时,阿夫卡米驾驶着车辆离去,让司机陷入困境并报警。
Calif. woman steals Uber driver's car on way to Texas airport
2023年12月18日 · (NewsNation) — A California woman is facing charges in Texas after police say she stole her Uber driver’s car and credit card. CBS Austin reports Neusha Alexandra Afkami, 27, was arrested Sunday, Dec. 10 for the alleged car theft and also for using the victim’s credit card without consent.
Woman allegedly steals Uber driver's car because she was ... - WKRC
2023年12月16日 · 27-year-old Neusha Afkami is accused of one count each of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and credit or debit card abuse, according Travis County court records.
Woman accused of carjacking Uber because it was too slow
2023年12月14日 · Neusha Alexandra Afkami, 27, is facing charges of unauthorised use of a vehicle following the incident just after midnight on Sunday. According to an affidavit obtained by FOX7, Ms Afkami ordered an Uber from her hotel to Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.
加州女子在德州打 Uber 赶飞机,嫌司机开太慢,竟半路劫车一路 …
近日,一位加州女子在奥斯汀打 Uber 去机场,竟因为嫌司机开得慢,半路劫车狂飙到机场。 12月10日,27岁的 Neusha Afkami 在凌晨12半在酒店叫了一辆 Uber,准备前往奥斯汀机场。 途中,她对司机的驾驶速度感到不满,一怒之下把司机的手机扔出车外,迫使司机停车。 然后趁着司机下车找手机的机会,自己将车开走了。 司机报警后,警方赶赴机场,成功拦截了正准备登机的 Afkami。 所幸机场工作人员后来在一个航站楼前发现了司机的车。 Afkami 为自己辩护称,由 …
Woman accused of carjacking Uber because it was too slow
2023年12月13日 · Neusha Alexandra Afkami, 27, is facing charges of unauthorised use of a vehicle following the incident just after midnight on Sunday. According to an affidavit obtained by FOX7, Ms Afkami...
Woman Accused Of Taking Uber Driver's Car After Becoming …
2023年12月15日 · Neusha Afkami, a 27-year-old, is facing charges of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and credit or debit card abuse, as stated in the court records of Travis County, as reviewed by Law&Crime. The defendant faces two alleged counts that are classified as “state jail felonies” in Texas, which can result in a maximum jail sentence of two years.