Discover kdb+ 4.1's New Features - KX
2024年2月20日 · With the announcement of kdb+ 4.1, we’ve made significant updates in performance, security, and usability, empowering developers to turbo charge workloads, fortify transmissions and improve storage efficiency. In this blog, we’ll explore these new features and demonstrate how they compare to previous versions. Let’s begin.
Embracing a new era: kdb+ unleashed for everyone - kx.com
2025年2月7日 · kdb+ will embrace an open ecosystem where users can seamlessly scale applications, incorporate new data sets, and tackle advanced use cases like AI. Our vision includes: A curated library of open-source modules; A robust package management framework for effortless extensibility
KDB+ 教程
在本教程中,您将学习如何使用KDB+教程Kdb+是KxSystemsInc推出的高性能面向列的数据库。 kdb+旨在捕获、分析、比较和存储数据−一切都在高速和大量数据的情况下进行。 本教程首先对Kdb+进行基本介绍,然后介绍其架构、安装以及从基础到高级的q编程语言。
kdb+ | KX: Vector Database, Time Series And Real Time Analytics
Get to know the world’s fastest time series database. *Independently benchmarked by STAC Research. Meets your largest data needs in the most demanding environments. Supports our native language q, as well as Python, Java, C#, C++, Rust, R, and open-source libraries.
kdb+中文教程 | kdb+ Tutorial in Chinese
kdb+/q号称是世界上最快的内存数据库,它使用统一的数据库处理实时数据和历史数据,同时具备CEP (复杂事件处理)引擎、内存数据库、磁盘数据库等功能。 与一般数据库或大数据平台相比,kdb+/q具有更快的速度和更低的总拥有成本,非常适合海量数据处理,主要被用于海量数据分析、高频交易、人工智能、物联网等领域。 《kdb+中文教程》是一本关于kdb+/q的中文入门书籍,内容分为三大部分: 第一部分(第一章)为kdb+/q简介,主要介绍kdb+/q的优势及不同许 …
Tables – Starting kdb+ – Learn – kdb+ and q documentation
Introduction to kdb+, which has a detailed comparison of q and conventional RDBMS. Tables are created out of lists. A table with no key columns is essentially a list of column names associated with a list of corresponding column values, each of which is a list.
kdb如何修改数据库数据库 | PingCode智库
2024年9月11日 · 修改Kdb+数据库的方法包括:使用表格操作、修改列数据、添加或删除列、更新表结构、数据导入导出等。 其中,修改表格结构和数据更新是最常用的操作之一。 下面将详细描述如何在Kdb+中进行这些操作。 在Kdb+中,表格可以通过简单的声明来创建。 以下是一个示例: t: (`name`age`city) ! (("Alice";"Bob";"Cathy");(23;34;45);("New York";"Los Angeles";"Chicago")) 这个命令创建了一个包含三列(name, age, city)和三行的表。 要查看表格的内容,可以简单地 …
update keyword | Reference | kdb+ and q documentation - kdb
2021年6月4日 · New values must have the type of the column being amended. If the query adds a new column it will have values only as determined by the Where phrase. At other positions, it will have nulls of the column’s type. The By phrase applies the update along groups. This is most useful with aggregate and uniform functions.
Starting kdb+ – a tutorial – Learn – kdb+ and q documentation
This is a quick-start guide to kdb+, aimed primarily at those learning independently. It covers system installation, the kdb+ environment, IPC, tables and typical databases, and where to find more material. After completing this you should be able to follow the Borror textbook Q for Mortals, and the Reference.
Where do I even start learning kdb+? | by Michaela Woods
2024年11月25日 · If you’re interested in building a kdb+ data capture system, KX Academy has a new course designed just for you: kdb+ Architecture for Real-Time Data Capture. The architecture of a real-time kdb+...