How accurate is the New World Translation? - NeverThirsty
The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT) was published by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (WTBTS) in 1961. More than 220 million have been published by 2019 and distributed around the world.
Who are the ten nations that are mentioned in Daniel 2?
Ultimately, scripture seems to indicate that the world will have great economic and political interest in the Middle East. We see that today. The Middle East supplies oil to the entire world. It is economically important to the world. It also has significant political interest. It holds the key to peace in the world.
Does the Bible say the earth is about 6000 years old? - NeverThirsty
B.C. However, his conclusion must be rejected as authoritative. Since the Bible does not provide enough information to come to that conclusion, the date he gives is his opinion. For example, the genealogies are the major source of information that one can use in an attempt to date the creation. The first book in the Bible is Genesis.
Who created sin? How did sin enter the world? - NeverThirsty
Someday Satan will also be cast into the Lake of Fire and live forever (Revelation 20:10). In the new heaven and new earth there will be no sin (Revelation 21:27; 22:3). Sin in the World. Scripture does not tell us in what moral state Adam was created.
Simulation Theory — Did God create a simulated world or a real …
Bible Question: I have read people claim that we live in a simulated reality. I find this to be very disturbing. Did God create a real world or a simulated world for us to live in? Bible Answer: The concept that we are living in a gigantic simulation is not new. The concept existed before the movie Matrix and it has exploded since the movie.
End times timeline — rapture, antichrist, and the tribulation
Bible Question: What is the timeline for the end times? What is the order of the rapture, the antichrist, the peace treaty, the tribulation, and the Day of the Lord? Bible Answer: The timeline of the future end times is revealed in Daniel 9:27 and 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3. So, the question is what is the order of events.
Did Jesus create everything, including the world? - NeverThirsty
Bible Question: Did Jesus Create Everything, Including The World? Bible Answer: The scriptures state that Jesus was involved in the creation of the world and the entire universe. This was possible because Jesus is God. The overwhelming message of …
Is a eunuch a creation of God? What does the Bible say about …
Bible Question: Is a eunuch a creation of God? What does the Bible say about eunuchs? Bible Answer: The most significant passage in the Bible about eunuchs is Matthew 19:10-12. We will examine that passage. It may be a surprise to some that the words eunuch and eunuchs occur in the Bible in the Old and New Testaments. The terms occur most often ...
What does the Bible say about the future? - NeverThirsty
The antichrist will convince the world leaders that they can defeat Israel and God at a battle called Armageddon (Revelation 19). Second Coming of Christ. Both Daniel and Revelation tell us that Jesus Christ will return and defeat the antichrist and the world’s armies at the battle of Armageddon. His return is called the second coming of Christ.
How many chapters, verses, and words are in the Bible?
For example, the King James Bible, New International Version Bible (NIV) and the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) have only fourteen verses in 3 John. But the New American Standard Bible (NASB), the NET Bible, The New Living Translation (NLT) and the New Century Bible have fifteen verses—one more verse.